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Program Project-related Exchange of Persons

 “A compressive sensing based approach for mapping, scene modeling and stereoscopic representation based on semantic point-cloud reconstruction for indoor mobile robot applications”

VR China

DAAD   -   2012 – 2013   





This DAAD Exchange Program of Persons (PPP) strengthens scientific relations between German and foreign institutions, promotes collaborative research activities and supports joint, bi-national research projects of a high scientific standard. Since the qualification of young scientists is of primary importance, only travel costs and living expenses are funded by these projects.

The PPP with China took place in 2012 and 2013 under the title "A compressive sensing based approach for mapping, scene modelling and stereoscopic representation based on semantic point-cloud reconstruction for indoor mobile robot applications”. Project managers were Professor Roth from the ZEW / CICD and Professor Baocai Yin from the Beijing University of Technology.

The aim of the cooperation project was to develop a novel method of indoor mobile robot mapping system using PMD/CD camera with highly incomplete measurement of the environment by applying compressive sensing technique.