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Reimut Jochimsen Prize


In honour of the renowned economist Professor Dr. Dr. h. c. Reimut Jochimsen, and as a memorial to his service as its President, the Düsseldorf Regional Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank has awarded a prize of 5,000 euros for research on infrastructure problems every second year since 2001.

The recipient(s) of the prize is (are) chosen by a jury composed of the President of the Düsseldorf Regional Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Hans Peter Weser, and of three scholars formerly associated with Professor Jochimsen: Prof. em. Dr. Walter Buhr, University of Siegen, Prof. em. Dr. Dr. h. c. Udo E. Simonis, Berlin Science Center for Social Research, and Prof. em. Prof. h. c. Dr. Peter Treuner, University of Stuttgart.


Since 2010 the prize has no longer been awarded.