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Prizes Awarded


The First Reimut Jochimsen Prize (2002) was awarded for the topic “Infrastructure in the Information Society”.

It was given as three prizes to the following authors, in appreciation of their contributions to the competition, to

- Diplom-Geograph Christian Langhagen-Rohrbach, Frankfurt/Main, for his paper “Internationale Datennetze und ihre Auswirkungen auf regionale Strukturen, Beispiele aus der Region Rhein-Main” (International Data Networks and Their Effects on Regional Structures, Examples from the Rhein-Main Region), in: 75 Jahre Rhein-Mainische Forschung 1925-2000, Rhein-Mainische Forschung, Heft 119, Frankfurt am Main 2001, pp. 395-431.

- Dipl. Ing. Nicole Andrea Philipp, Cottbus, for her contribution “Die öffentliche Bibliothek in der Informationsgesellschaft” (The Public Library in the Information Society), published under the same title in the Papers of the Forschungsschwerpunkt Technik-Arbeit-Umwelt (Research Center Technical Science-Labor-Environment), FS II 02-409, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (Berlin Science Center for Social Research), Berlin 2002.

- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulrich Trick, Frankfurt/Main, for his article “Infrastruktur der Informationsgesellschaft, Weg zur ökonomisch effizienten, sozial gerechten und ökologisch verträglichen Fortentwicklung der Informations- und Kommunikationsgesellschaft” (Infrastructure in the Information Society, Approach to an Economically Efficient, Socially Fair and Ecologically Sound Development of the Information and Communication Society); cf. www.e-technik.org in the Internet, key word: Buch, Aufsätze, Vorträge.

The Second Reimut Jochimsen Prize (2004) concerned “European Infrastructure Policy, The Infrastructure Policy of the European Community with Respect to the New Orientation of the Structural Funds”.

It was awarded to Diplom-Volkswirt Henning Sichelschmidt, Senior Economist, Institut für Weltwirtschaft an der Universität Kiel (Institute for World Economics at the University of Kiel), Kiel, for his paper on the topic of the prize; cf. H. Sichelschmidt, Europäische Infrastrukturpolitik, Die Infrastrukturpolitik der Europäischen Gemeinschaft im Rahmen der Neuausrichtung der Strukturfonds (European Infrastructure Policy, The Infrastructure Policy of the European Community with Respect to the New Orientation of the Structural Funds), in: Die Weltwirtschaft, No. 1, 2005, pp. 93-134.

The Third Reimut Jochimsen Prize (2006) focused on “European Infrastructure Policy, Advancement of Transport Policy in the European Community”.

It was awarded to Professor Erik Verhoef and Barry Ubbels PhD, Free University Amsterdam, Amsterdam/The Netherlands, for their paper on "Auctioning concessions for private roads";
cf. B. Ubbels, E. T. Verhoef (2008), Auctioning concessions for private roads, in: Transportation Research, Vol. 42A, pp. 155-172.


The Fourth Reimut Jochimsen Prize (2008) concerned "European Infrastructure Policy, Challenges for Future Energy Markets in the European Community".

It was awarded to Professor Juan Rosellón, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico City/Mexico, and Research Associate Hannes Weigt, Dresden University of Technology, Dresden/Germany, for their paper on "A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks - Theory, Modeling and Application"; cf. J. Rosellón, H. Weigt (2011), A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks: Theory, Modeling, and Application, in: The Energy Journal, Vol. 32, pp. 119-148.