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Sascha Hommer and Frank Flöthmann: Reading and Discussing Graphic Narratives at Museum für Gegenwartskunst Siegen


On October 30, the final day of the European Literary Festival vielSeitig, Sascha Hommer (Hamburg) and Frank Flöthmann (Berlin) joined moderators Lukas Etter and Daniel Stein to read from and discuss their latest works. Hommer presented excerpts from In China (Reprodukt, 2016), his semi-autobiographical graphic travel narrative about a trip to Chengdu, the capital of the Sichuan province. Hommer used sound effects to add atmosphere to the silent images and words on the page and answered questions about his drawing style and artistic influences. Flöthmann introduced the audience to Shakespeare ohne Worte (Dumont, 2016), a pictographic comic that retells five of Shakespeare's most well-known plays (Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, The Tempest, Othello) without words. Flöthmann described his modus operandi and shared suggestions about how to best decode his dense and incredibly funny illustrations. Thanks to both of them for visiting us in Siegen, to Kultur!Büro Siegen for sponsoring the event as part of the vielSeitig literary festival, and thanks to Annika Jebramcik und Lisa Skodek for the organization.
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Foto credits:
1. Annika Jebramcik
2./3. Yvonne Knop

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