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Funding of doctoral studies/stipends

The acceptance as a doctoral candidate does not mean that you will receive funding from the University of Siegen to cover your living expenses. There are various ways to be funded during the time of your doctoral project.

Employment at the University


  • In each department, there are positions as a "research associate" (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter*in) open for doctoral candidates. Research associates participate in the research activities of the department and teach seminars; some are employed for specific research projects without teaching obligations. Fluency in German is usually required. Due to the limited number of positions, new positions do not open up in regular intervals.
  • Open positions are published on the website of the University of Siegen and in newsletters of the relevant disciplines.

Stipends within the University


  • The Research School "Locating Media" or the integrated research training group of the SFB 1187 "Media of Cooperation"support doctoral projects within the framework of their thematic focus. Applications for stipends are only accepted in response to announcements, which are published on the University website.
  • The HYT Academy offers scholarship to kick-start your career at Siegen University. The scholarships are intended for excellent Master- and PhD-Students who are at the beginning of their courses.
  • The University of Siegen offers a few stipends for female doctoral students. Applications are accepted annually. Please contact the office for equal opportunity for further information.

External Stipends


Most stipends for doctoral students are awarded by external foundations and institutions. The conditions for application vary between the different institutions. Some, but not all, require fluency in German. Usually, applicants have to submit a comprehensive research proposal, a letter of recommendation by the supervisor, and relevant diplomas. Some institutions accept applications throughout the year, some have specific deadlines. Please take into account that decisions on applications may last 3-6 months; personal interviews in Germany may be part of the decision procedure.

Various foundations provide stipends which are funded by the German state. The largest foundation, the German National Academic Foundation, has no political, religious, or social affiliation, whereas the other foundations are close to a political party or a religious or social organization. Applicants are expected to share the values of the respective organizations; however, membership in a political party is not required.

Further Institutions


  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service)
    The DAAD provides stipends for research stays in Germany, usually for a period of up to ten months (but in exceptional cases, the DAAD also funds stays for the whole duration of a doctorate). The DAAD also hosts a comprehensive database that helps you to search for stipends suitable for your personal situation, including stipends from many other organisations.

  • Elektronische Forschungsförder Informationen
    The website hosts a database with information about numerous sources of stipends for doctoral students. Many smaller and more specialized foundations can be found on this site.
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