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Thursday, April 28

15:00-15.15Opening Remarks: Daniel Stein / Lisanna Wiele

Keynote I

  • Norbert Bachleitner (Vienna):
    “The Beginnings of the Feuilleton Novel in France and the German-Speaking Regions”
17:00-19:00Workshop I
  • Ricarda Musser (Berlin):
    Brazilian-French Cultural Contact in Serial Format: The Revista Popular (Rio de Janeiro, 1859-1862)
  • Raphaela Averkorn (Siegen):
    Promoting Serial Fiction in 19th-Century Spain: Wenceslao Ayguals de Izco
  • Gunter Süß (Mittweida):
    “Ride with Capitola: The Politics of E.D.E.N. Southworth’s The Hidden Hand

Friday, April 29


Keynote II

  • Walburga Hülk-Althoff (Siegen):
    Spectacular, Spectacular – Early Paris “Mysteries” and “Dramas” (Eugène Sue)
11:00-13:00Workshop II
  • Heike Steinhoff (Bochum):
    Of Ladies, Flower Girls and Brothel Madams: Womanhood and Female Sexuality in American City Mystery Novels
  • Lisanna Wiele (Siegen):
    Dead Man Walking - On the Physical Manifestations of Sociopolitical Narratives in George Thompson's City Crimes - Life in New York and Boston
  • Florian Groß (Hannover):
    (Re-)Making American Culture: Ned Buntline, the Crystal Palace, and the Transnational Series and Adaptations of New York

Keynote III

  • Ronald Zboray and Mary Saracino Zboray (Pittsburgh):
    “Between Hamburg and Boston: Frederick Gleason and the Rise of Serial Fiction in the United States”

Workshop III

  • Tanja Weber (Köln):
    The Media Mysteries of London
  • Nicole Glaubitz (Darmstadt):
    Counting (on) Crime: Serial Narration, Crime Statistics, and the Emergence of a Mass Literary Market
  • Pia Wiegmink (Mainz):
    The Annual “Gift” of Freedom: Women’s Transnational Networks in Abolitionist Serial Print Culture
  • Matthias Göritz (St. Louis):
    The Laws of the Series: From Heinrich Börnstein’s Die Geheimnisse von St. Louis (Mysteries of St. Louis) to Today’s Serial Narration

Saturday, April 30



 City Tour

Keynote IV

  • Mark Turner (London): ‘From Serial to Series: The Culture of Seriality in the 19th Century’




Workshop IV

  • Tobias Scheidt (Siegen):
    “Cannot but be interesting to our Readers”: Periodicals and the Transfer of Popular History in Britain and Germany, c. 1830-1860
  • Fabian Grumbrecht (Göttingen):
    “The Interaction between Serial Fictions and Non-Fictional Texts in the Kölnische Zeitung in the 1850s and 1860s”
  • Reyhan Tutumlu Serdar (Instanbul) / Ali Serdar (Istanbul):
    A “Distant Reading” of the Ottoman/Turkish Serial Novel Tradition
16:15Final Discussion

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