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L2S Talk "Behavioral Ethics of Artificial Intelligence" (ZESS Lecture Series)

Prof. Dr. Matthias Uhl will give a public talk on

Behavioral Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Mon, 4 March 2024, 17.30-18.30 h at US-C 105

The talk is part of the ZESS lecture series and hosted by the DFG research unit "Learning to Sense” (L2S).

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Behavioral ethics deviates from armchair philosophy by systematically incorporating the moral concepts and intuitions of laypeople. In his talk, Prof Uhl will discuss behavioral approaches to questions from two different subfields of the ethics of AI: machine ethics and human-machine ethics. In machine ethics, he will consider the problem of algorithm aversion and folk attitudes regarding the use of AI. In human-machine ethics, he considers the influence that the use of AI has on people’s moral behavior. He will present some exemplary research projects from each subfield. 

Matthias Uhl is professor of Societal Implications and Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence at Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt. Before this, he was a research associate at the Peter Löscher Chair of Business Ethics (TU München) and Leader of Junior Research Group Ethics of Digitization (TUM School of Governance, TU München). His PhD thesis from Max Planck Institute of Economics and Friedrich Schiller University Jena is on Multiple Selves in Economics - Four Studies on Intrapersonal Conflict is in Economics and his research focuses on the ethical implications of digitization, especially human-machine interaction, moral intuitions regarding the use of algorithms, and polarization tendencies through social media. He regularly gives lectures in the ethics of technology, business ethics and behavioral economics.


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