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German Alumni Water Network (GAWN)





The CICD has been participating since 2009 In the coordination and activities of the GAWN ("German Alumni Water Network") worldwide.
The project is financed by the DAAD ("German Academic Exchange Service").
The German Alumni Water Network ("GAWN") was established to better coordinate the activities of former students of German universities and development associations in Germany. 
It provides contact information from and for DAAD alumni and alumnae who are active in the water sector. 



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Members will receive up-to-date information on upcoming seminars and other news from the water sector.
The network is coordinated by the working group "GAWN". Furthermore, synergies with the German Water Partnership will be established. Interested German universities are cordially invited to join the coordination team of the GAWN at any time.


Further information can be found under GAWN worldwide.