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.research alumni programme

The Research Alumni Programme was designed to serve international guest researchers and researchers of the University of Siegen as a platform for research and networking. Collaboration, Exchange, Network: We are continuing to extend the network with our research alumni so that we can provide special offers for them and to actively integrate them and their contributions into the scientific and alumni network of the University of Siegen. The Research Alumni Programme is a cooperation between the Welcome Center, the International Office of the University Siegen and the Alumniverbund, the Alumni Network of the University Siegen.

New Services: Portal and Community

Get in touch: Keep in touch

The Research Alumni Programme establishes new connections between researchers and strengthens the current academic community. A mobile information portal as well as a specific myAlumni information community have been created.

Before international guest researchers can begin their visit, they need to find a lot of different information about research in Germany, funding, accommodation, and about the research location and facilities of their prospective research partners. For this reason an Information Portal especially designed for international guest researchers at the University of Siegen is provided. ra.SiP brings together all the necessary information about research visits to the University of Siegen, which would be easily accessible through computers, tablets, and smartphones.   For Research Alumni, international guest researchers, and researchers of the University of Siegen, there are specialised features for scientific exchanges available at myAlumni, the contact network of the University of Siegen. Members of the platform are able to contribute their own ideas to shape the alumni network and they can enrol themselves in various groups. To organise an exclusive Research Alumni Information Community the members in the Research Alumni Group can share scientific documents and contact each other.

News from the network


Research abroad – Widening your horizons. Online Meet-up, 16th March 2021

Exchange of perspectives and experiences among internationally engaged researchers. In this meet-up interesting topics such as researching abroad, visiting international conferences, building international partnerships, and overcoming challenges will be covered. Everyone from PhD students to senior researchers is most welcome.  
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How has international research been affected by the current global pandemic? Insights from our research alumni network

Throughout 2020, the way in which we live and work has changed significantly due to COVID19. To see how international research partnerships were affected during this turbulent time, we reached out to members of our research alumni network and asked them about how their research has been affected. We received interesting insights from researchers based in many different countries, including China, Ghana, Mauritius, Brazil and the USA. The respondents also specialised in a wide range of different subjects, such as Engineering, Media Science, Physics, Social Work and Chemistry. read more

AfricaSign: Overcoming barriers to participation in education using technology

One of the strongest benefits to research collaborations is that they allow researchers from different fields to come together to use their complementary areas of expertise to develop a new project. This was the case for Prof. Kristof Van Laerhoven, who is a professor of ubiquitous computing at the department for electrical engineering and computer science in the University of Siegen, and Prof. Abdelhadi Soudi, a professor of natural language processing at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Rabat in Morocco. read more

New portrait in the Research Alumni Gallery: Dr. Dipankar Das

Before he came to Siegen, Dr. Dipankar Das was a Postdoctoral Research Scientist at the Seoul National University of Science and Technology, South Korea. Afterwards, he became an Alexander von Humboldt scholar. H came to Siegen for two years to work on a new research project. read more

Our Programme, your participation

Keep in touch, share your experience, return for research, on-side activities,...

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Keep in touch, share your experience
We are focusing on direct exchange within the Research Alumni Network and providing first-hand information to this community. Due to this we are using different tools (newsletter, social media etc.) and communication channels on the local ("Stammtisch") and supraregional level.

"Return for Research Grants"
The goal of this measure is to involve former international researchers in the activities to strengthen our global academic network, to initiate further cooperation, and to support future academics at the University of Siegen. Applicants can be professors, private lecturers and academic consultants in their role as host/hostess of the Research Alumni from any department at the University of Siegen. Funding will be prioritised towards applications which ultimately propose sustainable research collaboration between the alumnus/alumna and the host/hostess from the University of Siegen. Thus, joint publications, external fundraising and other such objectives will be viewed favourably. The first application period has expired. The second application period is currently open to someone who is planning to visit from the 1st of April 2018 until the 31st of December 2018. You can download the call here : The Application Deadline is 12th of Feburay 2018.

Forscher-Alumni-Conference / On-site activities
Our mission is to support already existing or planned activities with Research Alumni contributions. Please feel free to request our assistance.

'Zukunftsblick'. The Forscher-Alumni-Academy / Encounters
We are able to offer appropriated training programmes for research alumni, scientists and young researchers by referring to services of the University of Siegen (for example Hochschuldidaktik). Through these programmes we can foster new forms of interaction and exchange.

Your contribution

as ambassador, as mentor,...

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Ambassador programme
With the experience from your research visits at our university, you are an ideal candidate to draw the attention of interested young scientists and research collegues to the variety of possibilities for research and cooperation with scientists at the University of Siegen.

Mentoring programme
With your extensive expertise, you are sincerely invited to provide support and act as mentors to young scientists at our university (PhD-students), in order to advise them on questions related to international careers in science and research.

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