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Joseph Hlavaty - final reflexions on the M.A. Roads to Democracies

Joseph Hlavaty "freaked out" with joy in the Chicago traffic jam when he was informed about his admission to the M.A. programme "Roads to Democracies" in Siegen. Some impressions from an Alumni during the graduation ceremony in April 2018.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My name is Joseph Hlavaty and in January I graduated from the Roads to Democracy M.A. Program. It is a great honor to share with you my experience at the University of Siegen. When I received the news that I had been accepted into the program, I was sitting in traffic in Downtown Chicago. Perhaps that is why it was not so strange to the drivers next to me that I began to completely freak out. But what they understood as Frustration was actually the opposite: the e-mail was a relief, to know that I now had the chance to advance my studies.

At the end of August 2015, I boarded a plane and began my journey. The first six weeks were very lonely. My roommates had not yet arrived in Siegen, I knew nobody, and still did not have a valid bus/train ticket. But during this time, I asked myself, what were my goals in this program? What did I want to achieve? In an interdisciplinary program like Roads to Democracy, one must ask themselves these questions. After six weeks, I had my plan: to improve my German, begin a real career after my studies, and most of all, integrate into life in Siegen as much as possible.

Then the program began. I had not expected such an international cohort, with students from all over the world. This diversity of perspectives was often a great challenge, but the courses and discussions were always exciting, if not sometimes chaotic. Despite the chaos, I would not haJoseph Hlavaty IIve changed a thing about it. But my time in Siegen was not just defined by my studies.

I was very engaged with the Model United Nations group on campus. With this team, I travelled across the country and the world. Before my time in Siegen, I never imagined that I would find myself standing in Manhattan, especially not as a student representative of a German university! I still am not sure what was more difficult for people to understand: that I, as an American, was studying full-time abroad or that I, as an American, was only experiencing New York for the first time in 25 years. But Model UN showed me more about the world than any tour guide or travel agent ever could. This activity provided me with a wonderful, diverse friend group, which is something incredibly important for international students. I will always appreciate the friendships I made in this group. I would like to take this chance to thank the professors of the Roads program, especially my advisors Prof. Dr. Claudia Kraft and Prof. Dr. Karin Schittenhelm.



They always had an open ear for my questions and ideas, and were a great support system throughout my entire time as a student. I would also like to thank Ms. Hering from the Examination Office for her wonderful help during my time in Siegen. Last but not least, a big “Thank You” to Ms. Luz Pacas, the coordinator of the Roads program, who provided an incredible amount of support and advice, not only related to the course of study, but also for my first steps after graduation.

The best advice I can give future international students would be this: seize this opportunity! Take the language courses, participate in the events, and don’t be afraid to invite classmates to coffee. Here in Siegen, one has the opportunity to start fresh and build a new life. Three years ago I didn’t even know that Siegen exists. Thanks to the university, the city and their opportunities, I have accomplished a lot, such as a Master’s Degree that I am very proud of achieving. I can now say, after three years, that Siegen has become my second Heimat and that I will always feel at home here.

Thank you for your attention!

Joseph Hlavaty, M.A.

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