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    / emil / about /

    About us

    Motivation: The transition from student life to faculty member may have consequences for novice employees. The expectations for providing high quality teaching performance might lead to annoying pressure for employees which can not be always handled by the head of an institute. EMIL therefore aims to provides a medium for getting "Advices" and transferring of "experiences". 

    Target groups: Research/teaching assistants who are committed teaching responsibilities.

    Thematic Focus: Teaching and supervision of students

    Focal Points: We have defined three working groups to help EMIL participants to engage with the thematic area of "University Teaching":

    • Experience Exchange Forum

      In regular meetings (1x per month) topics or issues of individual or general interest are discussed. The results are recorded and possibly published anonymously on the EMIL website.

    • Consultation & Assistance

      All knowledge and information, which are recorded and verified by the activities of EMIL, are available to all interested parties via a web archive. Related internal  and external specialists will be invited, if necessary and after consultation, to provide personalized advices or group consultation in the form of individual and/or group meetings. The participants of such meetings can afterwards transfer - if they agree - the themes to other people who are seeking advices.

    • Transparency on Department, Faculty and University Level

      1. Due to the sharply defined disciplines and hierarchy of the different research groups and institutions, inter-facultative exchange between the academic staff rarely takes place. EMIL would like to be a communication platform to facilitate the exchange among all faculty staff. 

      2. Numerous competences, responsibilities or formal regulations are derived from the internal university structures. EMIL highlights the teaching-related dependencies, as one of the major aspects at the university, which are collectable from the Higher Education Act, the structure of the department/faculty, the studying and examination regulations, the studying programs and the offered courses.


    Participation: Participation is open to every employee who is interested in the didactic-related topics. There is no obligation for the participants.

    The above-listed working group specifically pursue no university, faculty or department policy interests.