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Order Statistics Approximate Distributions of Order Statistics (1989),
Springer Series in Statistics, by R.-D. Reiss.
Extreme Value Theory Extreme Value Theory (1989), Proceedings, Oberwolfach 1987,
Lecture Notes in Statistics, 51, ed. by J. Hüsler and R.-D. Reiss.
Point Processes A Course on Point Processes (1993),
Springer Series in Statistics, by R.-D. Reiss.
DMV Laws of Small Numbers: Extremes and Rare Events (1994),
DMV Seminar, Bd.23, by M. Falk, J. Hüsler and R.-D. Reiss.
DMV Laws of Small Numbers: Extremes and Rare Events (2004),
2nd ext. ed., by M. Falk, J. Hüsler and R.-D. Reiss.
Stat I Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values, with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields, (1997), by R.-D. Reiss and M. Thomas.
Stat II Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values, with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields, 2nd. ext. ed., (2001), by R.-D. Reiss and M. Thomas: about 160 new pages.
Stat III Statistical Analysis of Extreme Values, with Applications to Insurance, Finance, Hydrology and Other Fields, 3rd. ext. ed., (2007), by R.-D. Reiss and M. Thomas: about 120 new pages.

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