Informations about the menu-system Xtremes 3.0
are displayed on page xii and page xiii in the
Statistical Analysis book (available online)
showing an Overview and the Hierarchy.
enhancements of Xtremes 3.0
The menu system
- Plotting facilites and estimators for
- extreme value
- and POT models,
- in conjunction with facilities
to compare parametric and empirical
curves such as contour plots
- New time series tools
- Bayes and L-Moment estimators for
univariate POT models
- Statistics for sum-stable distributions
(using STABLE by DLL)
- Statistics in further parametric models
(e.g. Student)
- Estimators for ARMA series
- Moving estimators in conjunction with
VaR considerations
- Animation facilities for generating
discrete and continuous data
- Improved support for printing
- Direct generation of EPS files
The (integrated) StatPascal language
- Support of vector and matrix
- Program libraries available by means of
- More predefined statistical
- Routines to build simple graphical user
Included in the Statistical Analysis book.
The academic edition only allows a certain
limited number of rows in a data set. It
consists of Windows (95, 98, 2000, NT, XP,
Vista) applications
Facilities to download the academic
edition may be found in the download area.