Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
Personensuchezur unisono Personensuche
Veranstaltungssuchezur unisono Veranstaltungssuche
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The conference will start on April, 5th at 10 a.m. and end on April, 7th at around 2 p.m. Enrollment starts on April, 5th at 8.30 a.m. Early registration on the evening of April, 4th is possible. In the afternoon of April, 7th we organize a tour to Krombacher, one of the biggest breweries in Germany.

The preliminary schedule:




08.30 a.m. - 10.00 a.m. Registration and coffee

10.00 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Opening and Talks

12.00 p.m. - 01.00 p.m. Lunch

01.00 p.m. - 02.45 p.m. Talks

02.45 p.m. - 03.15 p.m. Coffee Break

03.15 p.m. - 05.30 p.m. Talks

06.15 p.m. Guided Tour of Siegen




08.30 a.m. - 09.50 a.m. Talks

09.50 a.m. - 10.15 a.m. Coffee Break

10.15 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Talks

12.00 p.m. - 01.00 p.m. Lunch

01.00 p.m. - 02.45 p.m. Talks

02.45 p.m. - 03.15 p.m. Coffee Break

03.15 p.m. - 05.00 p.m. Talks

05.00 p.m. - 05.20 p.m. Coffee Break

05.20 p.m. - 06.30 p.m. Talks

07.30 p.m. Dinner



08.30 a.m. - 09.50 a.m. Talks

09.50 a.m. - 10.15 a.m. Coffee Break

10.15 a.m. - 12.00 p.m. Talks

12.00 p.m. Lunch

12.45 p.m. Departure Krombacher



Talks are given by


-Randolf Altmeyer (Berlin): Estimating occupation time functionals - some new results

-Markus Bibinger (Marburg): Volatility estimation for SPDEs using high-frequency observations

-Dominique Dehay (Rennes): Parametric estimation problems for periodic Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process

-Valentine Genon-Catalot (Paris): Sobolev-Hermite versus Sobolev nonparametric density estimation on R

-Simon Holbach (Mainz): Local asymptotic normality for a periodic signal in certain types of strongly degenerate diffusions

-Reinhard Höpfner (Mainz): On deterministic and stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley models

-Jean Jacod (Paris): Jump activity estimation, a new method based on the empirical characteristic function approach   

-Yuri Kutoyants (Le Mans): On parameter estimation of hidden telegraph process and related topics

-Catherine Larédo (Paris): Estimation of the joint distribution of random effects for a discretely observed diffusion

-Ronan Le Guével (Rennes): Goodness-of-fit test for multistable Lévy processes

-Ester Mariucci (Berlin): A compound Poisson approximation to estimate the Lévy density

-Ole Martin (Kiel): Testing for simultaneous jumps in case of asynchronous observations

-Hiroki Masuda (Kyushu): Lévy SDE inference in Yuima package

-Paula Milheiro Oliveira (Porto): A sequential test for the state estimation of a partially observed piecewise linear system

-Ionen Muni Toke (Paris): Intensity models for the modelling of limit order books

-Nina Munkholt Jakobsen (Copenhagen): Efficient estimation for jump diffusions 

-Marco Oesting (Siegen): Downscaling of spatial extremes

-Andre Pessik (Dortmund): Limit theorems for bipolar variations of Lévy driven moving average processes

-Markus Reiß (Berlin): Subordinators as monotone priors for nonparametric Bayes

-John Schoenmakers (Berlin): Projected particle methods for solving McKean-Vlasov SDEs

-Viktor Schulmann (Dortmund): Estimation of stopping times for some stopped random processes

-Michael Sørensen (Copenhagen)

-Mathias Trabs (Hamburg): Low-rank diffusion matrix estimation for high-dimensional time-changed Lévy processes

-Jan van Waaij (Amsterdam): The best of both worlds: Convergence rates for empirical Bayes methods in nonparametric diffusion models

-Mathias Vetter (Kiel): On a central limit theorem for quadratic variation in case of endogenous observation times

-Jeannette Woerner (Dortmund): Inference for oscillating Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes and applications to electricity modelling

-Nakahiro Yoshida (Tokyo): Recent topics in quasi Likelihood analysis





Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche