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Dipl.-Soz.päd. Jessica Dreisbach
+49 (0)271 740-2702
AR-M 017

Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate

Compatibility of family/studies and career

We need your ideas and suggestions to adopt further measures for a family-friendly university. Where do you find difficulties to make family and career compatible or what complicates your studies with child(ren) in your opinion? Critics and suggestion to improvement are important to us. Where do you still have problems? We are happy to hear, if there have been improvements and in which field or what was helpful for you to balance family and career or studies.

logo_fsb.pngFamily service office

The family service office is an offer for all employees and students of the university of Siegen. Here you will have a look at the website of the family service offices.

Dual career service

logo_dcs_rgb.jpgThe dual career service has been existing at the university of Siegen since the beginning of 2010 and is particularly aimed at the partners of the new professors as well as the young researchers and new employees.

Further offers for a compatibility of family and studies/career

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Kontakt - Familienservicebüro

Dipl.-Soz.päd. Jessica Dreisbach
+49 (0)271 740-2702
AR-M 017

Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate