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Dr.' Rebecca Weber (aktuell in Elternzeit), Vertretung:
Dr.' Inga Haase
Mo., Mi., Do.
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974
Katja Skubig, M.A.
AR-M 017
+49 (0)271 740-5142
Juni Mohos, M.Sc.
AR-K 212
+49 (0)271 740-4476

Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate

FAQ (English)



When and how often does the program start?

FraMeS starts every year in spring.

The application deadline is usually in autumn and will be announced on the homepage and via the corresponding mailing lists.


Who can apply for FraMeS?

Doctoral students, post-doctoral students and junior professors of all faculties of the University of Siegen who are interested in a career in science or who are already sure that they want to go this way can apply for FraMeS. You should be motivated to take responsibility for your own career path.


I am not enrolled as a doctoral student, but I work at the University of Siegen -
I do not work at the University of Siegen, but I am doing my doctorate / habilitation at the University of Siegen -
is it possible to apply for FraMeS?

Yes. It is important to be linked to the University of Siegen through either your job or your supervisor.


How do I find my mentor?

FraMeS has no pool of mentors.

As a participant, you are free to choose your own national or international mentor. An introductory workshop and the program coordination will help you in finding your mentor.

Potential mentors will be contacted anonymously by the program coordination.


Do I already require a mentor when applying?


The questions about the potential mentor in the application form are only intended to give you an idea of the possibility of finding a mentor yourself.

The program coordinator will support you finding a mentor. Additionally, you will achieve support in an introductory workshop.


The application deadline coincides with the submission of a project report.
Do I have to wait a whole year before I can apply again?

Please get in contact with us!

It is always possible that the time of application will conflict unfavourably with other important tasks. In this case, please contact us so we can find a possible solution together.


When is the right time to participate in FraMeS?

FraMeS offers information and support for the currently aspired career step at any time.

The "right" time depends on the individual situation and motivation and the respective time resources. If you are in doubt whether FraMeS is the right thing for you right now, please contact us so we can find a solution together.


I would like to apply for FraMeS. What do I have to do?

Please fill out the corresponding application form and send us a 2-page abstract with a time/work schedule, preferably as a PDF file by e-mail or printed out by in-house mail.
You will find further important information about the application process by clicking on "application".

Application Form Doctoral Candidates

Application Form Postdoctoral Candidates


What has to be included in the abstract?

In addition to the application form, you have to hand in a 2-page short abstract with a time/work schedule for your respective qualification project (dissertation, habilitation, project, etc.).

Despite the brevity, the abstract should address the most important points (research question, scientific relevance/objective, state of research, any preliminary work, methodological approach, and sources/literature).

If you are currently not working on a specific qualification project, please contact us so that we can look for an individual solution!


I am still not sure if FraMeS is right for me. How can I decide?

Visit one of our info events (dates will be announced) or contact us!

In a personal meeting, doubts and uncertainties can be resolved more effectively. If you wish, we can bring you in touch with a former mentee for personal exchange.

Do you have any further questions about the program, the time required or the application procedure?

Feel free to contact me!

Dr.' Rebecca Weber     
Program Coordination
Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2
57068 Siegen

Phone: 0271 740 - 3974
Mail: frames.gleichstellung@uni-siegen.de

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
Kontakt - Karriere

Dr.' Rebecca Weber (aktuell in Elternzeit), Vertretung:
Dr.' Inga Haase
Mo., Mi., Do.
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974
Katja Skubig, M.A.
AR-M 017
+49 (0)271 740-5142
Juni Mohos, M.Sc.
AR-K 212
+49 (0)271 740-4476

Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate