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Dr.' Rebecca Weber
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974

Dr.' Inga Haase
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974

Katja Skubig, M.A.
+49 (0)151 43172894


Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate

FraMeS – Mentoring-Program for Female Scientists

Career Development for PhD-Candidates, postdocs and junior professors


I What is mentoring?

Mentoring programs are recognized instruments for career advancement in economy and science. Universities use mentoring most notably for gender-equitable personnel development in order to prepare women for an academic career and support them in achieving leading roles. Mentoring focuses on support and advice given by an experienced mentor to a mentee (junior scientist or a student). In a mentoring partnership, mentees benefit from shared experiences and information provided by their mentors in several aspects: they access knowledge that is usually acquired informally and find support in advancing technical, social, and personal key competences. In addition, mentees are able to extend their professional network. Mentoring thus combines traditional areas of support with the field of networking.

For a mentoring partnership to be effective and productive, it is vital that mentees are teamed up with mentors, who meet their mentee’s personal needs and who are able to respond to their individual questions. This is why within the FraMeS program, mentees are encouraged to find their own suitable mentors in the course of an introductory workshop. The FraMeS coordinator establishes the first contact with the desired mentor candidate, however the parameters for the mentoring partnership are individually defined by both mentor and mentee.

We would like to point out that FraMeS cannot bear eventual incurred costs, e.g. trips for meeting the mentor in person.    

II Training

The mentoring program FraMeS offers a variety of different trainings in order to enhance individual key competences. These trainings include professional workshops on the subject of career management and advancement, self-marketing, management skills, time and self-management, external funding, publication strategy, or training for the calling. 

III Networking

Networking constitutes a significant part of the FraMeS program. In addition to professional trainings and workshops, FraMeS offers regular networking meetings on various key subjects led by experts on the field.

Flowchart FraMeS E

Profit and expense

For mentees:

Mentees benefit from individual support and assistance in planning their own career. In workshops and regular networking meetings, they acquire key competences e.g. in project, time and conflict management and they develop and expand their own professional network. Mentees undertake to participate regularly in these workshops and meetings during the fifteen-month program. Meetings with the mentors must be arranged individually within the mentoring-tandem.

For mentors:

Mentors profit from reflecting their own career path as much as their way of working – a process often neglected in everyday university work. Furthermore, mentors are given the opportunity to enhance their consulting and communicative competences and to expand their professional network. Mentors consent to accompany their mentees as reference persons for a period of twelve months, during which they arrange counselling interviews with their mentees. According to needs and possibilities, these consultations should take place five times for two hours each. The mentees are responsible to prepare and revise the counselling interviews. Further meetings via E-Mail or telephone are highly recommended, in particular with respect to urgent concerns or questions on behalf of the mentee. Mentors do not have to protocol their meetings with the mentee, however they are cordially invited to participate in an evaluation at the end of the program, either by telephone with the coordinator or in written form.  


After having taken part successfully in the program, the mentees will receive a certificate.

FraMeS is a project provided by the equal opportunities officer of the University of Siegen, Dr. Elisabeth Heinrich, which respects the standards of the Federal Association of Mentoring in Science, Forum Mentoring e.V.

Flyer: Success in science with mentoring (Erfolgreich in der Wissenschaft mit Mentoring)

Application and participation

The program normally starts every year in spring. Applications should be submitted to the program coordinator approximately six months in advance. Here you will find current information about the deadline for applications and the beginning of the program.
Regular participation in the program is obligatory. The participants will receive a syllabus of the program after they have received their admittance. Workshops and networking meetings will take place every 6-8 weeks within the fifteen-month program. Meetings with mentors must be arranged individually within the mentoring-tandem period.
Please note that the program is held in German.

If you are interested, please send the following application documents to the programme coordinator:

  1. A two-page exposé of your academic qualification
  2. Timetable and work plan
  3. Application form: Doctoral Candidates / Postdoctoral Candidates

You can send the documents via (internal) post or electronically in a PDF-document to frames.gleichstellung@uni-siegen.de


Please note: Our program is held in German, unless otherwise stated.


FraMeS program coordination


Dr.' Rebecca Weber (contact for PhDs)

Dr.' Inga Haase (contact for Postdocs and Junior Profossorship)


Room:  AR-K 211 
Phone: 0271 740 - 3974
Address: Adolf-Reichwein-Str. 2, 57076 Siegen
E-mail: frames.gleichstellung@uni-siegen.de

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Kontakt - Karriere

Dr.' Rebecca Weber
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974

Dr.' Inga Haase
AR-K 211
+49 (0)271 740-3974

Katja Skubig, M.A.
+49 (0)151 43172894


Auszeichnungen und Zertifikate