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Career advancement

The university of Siegen promotes gender equality and tries to eliminate gender discriminations. Here you will find the measures adopted for women career advancements.

FraMeS – women-specific mentoring Siegen

The project FraMeS for young researchers started in June 2010 and will be entering the 5th round in 2015. Here you will find all the information about the programme.

Women Career Service

Here you will find the current information about the programme of the equal opportunities office.

Fast Forward. Tandem Program+

The program supports all newly appointed female professors at the University of Siegen who have either just accepted their first appointment or have changed universities by offering workshops and networking opportunities.

University internal scholarships and funds

Both students and graduates enrolled in PhD-programmes may be eligible for support offered by Universität Siegen itself. See here for further information.

Loans and scholarships

Money is scarce and everyone can need support during their studies. The terms for scholarships, which can help you, are lengthy. Here you will find an overview.

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