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The central Equal Opportunities Officer and her deputies are responsible for the interests of women who are members or affiliated with the institution of higher education. The Senate elects the Equal Opportunities Officer for 4 years at a time; the term of office of the student deputy is 2 years.

The schools appoint Equal Opportunities Officers of the school and their deputies. They may attend meetings of the School Councils and the Appointment Committees as well as other committees of the schools on behalf of the central Equal Opportunities Officer.

The institution of higher education shall establish an Equal Opportunity Commission. This commission advises and supports the institution of higher education and the Equal Opportunities Officer in the fulfillment of the equal opportunity mandate. The institution of higher education regulates all details concerning the Equal Opportunity Commission in its basic regulations.

The organization and structure in the area of equal opportunities as well as the compatibility of studies/profession and family at the University of Siegen result from the legal provisions and the basic regulations of the university. Please note that in the case of statutes, only the German-language version is legally binding.

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