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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags


HYT semester programme published

The House of Young Talents (HYT) offers interesting events on a wide range of topics in the winter semester 2024/2025: In addition to popular classics such as the "SpeedReading" workshop, the programme also includes workshops on topics such as agile project management and scientific research and writing in the age of AI.

(8 October 2024) The events, most of which are offered in person, are complemented by a number of online programmes, including a workshop on editing your own and others’ manuscripts. The third contribution to the cross-university and cross-semester online event series “Einblicke in Karrierewege nach der Promotion” (Insights into career paths after the doctorate), in which former researchers from the universities in the NRW Human Resources Development Network will present their careers and give an insight into their current non-university field of work, is being organised by the University of Siegen this semester. An event organised jointly by the HYT, the Human Resources Department and the Staff Council for Academic and Artistic Staff (Personalrat für wissenschaftliches und künstlerisches Personal) provides reliable information about the “Wissenschaftszeitvertragsgesetz” (Act on Fixed-Term Employment Contracts in Academia). The workshop programme aims to support young researchers in making future work processes more efficient and effective and to focus on personal career goals. Benefit from our diverse programme for young researchers and register now for our workshops in the winter semester.

You can find all details here. We look forward to your registration!

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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags