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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags


Notice: Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants of the Max Weber Foundation

The Max Weber Foundation is again announcinc Gerald D. Feldman Travel Grants this year. The travel grants support academics in the qualification phase during short research stays abroad and thus promote transnational research work that gives new and original impetus to the humanities and social sciences.

(21 July 2022) The researchers carry out a research project of their own choice in at least two and up to three host countries of the institutes and branch offices of the Max Weber Foundation or the Richard Koebner Minerva Center for German History. The stays (maximum one month per host country, shorter stays are also possible) serve to conduct research, especially in libraries or archives. It is expected that transnational or transregional studies will emerge that give new and original impulses to research.

The next deadline for applications is 7 October 2022.

You can find more information on the website of the Max Weber Foundation and in the fact sheet.

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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags