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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags


Courses and Events Winter Semester 2021/2022

You can find the programme of the House of Young Talents for the winter semester 2021 in the form of a short table on this page. The full programme, which also contains courses and events offered by our partners, can be dowloaded here as a pdf file. You can download a short overview of all events from the HYT here as a pdf file.

Date, time Course / Event Place Link to the registration form
Thu., 28 October 2021,
Dr. Friederike Brodhun, Dr. Marcus Niechciol
US-S 0101 Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 2 November 2021,
Einführung für Promotionsinteressierte
Dr. Daniel Müller
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 4 November 2021,
Große wissenschaftliche Dokumente mit Word formatieren
Dr. Friederike Brodhun
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 9 November 2021,
Datenfälschungen und Wissenschaftsplagiate vermeiden: die Regeln guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis
Dr. Daniel Müller
AR-UB 114 Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 11 November 2021,
Führung und Konfliktmanagement
Dr. Alexander Egeling
US-S 0101 Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 16 November 2021,
Get it published: den letzten Abschnitt der Promotion problemlos meistern
Dr. Nadine Riedl
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 18 November 2021,
Agiles Projektmanagement für Wissenschaftler*innen
Dr. Matthias Kuhnert
AR-M 0115 Registration not possible anymore
Mon., 22 November 2021, and
Tue., 23 November 2021,
Statistik für Fortgeschrittene – Ordnung in den Forschungsdaten: Projektmanagement und Visualisierung in R
Prof. Dr. Till Utesch
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 25 November 2021,
Was Promovierende am Anfang ihres Dissertationsprojekts wissen sollten
Dr. Daniel Müller
US-S 002 Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 30 November 2021,
Stimmcoaching (Einzelberatung): Die eigene stimmliche Wirkung kennen und verbessern
Torsten Rother
H-C 6307
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Part 1: Wed., 1 December 2021, und
Thu., 2 December 2021,
Part 2: Fri., 3 December 2021,
MAXQDA: von den Grundlagen zu Mixed Methods
Andre Morgenstern-Einenkel, Dr. Daniel Müller
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 7 December 2021,
Alternativer Karriereweg: Wissenschaftsmanagement
Titia Hensel, Linda Hilkenbach
AR-UB 114 Registration not possible anymore
Wed., 8 December 2021,
10:15-17:00 and
Thu., 9 December 2021,

7 dates between 6 December 2021 and 17 January 2022
SpeedReading – schneller lesen und mehr behalten
Udo Gaedeke
US-S 0101
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 16 December 2021,
Unofficial Insider’s Guide to the German Academic System for Incoming and Visiting Researchers
Dr. Nina Fenn, Dr. Daniel Müller
US-S 002
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 16 December 2021,
from 18:00
Reception for International PhD Students and Their Supervisors With Keynote
Prof. Dr. Holger Schönherr, Dr. Nina Fenn, Dr. Daniel Müller
US-S 002
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 11 January 2022,
09:00-15:30 and
Wed., 12 January 2022,
Crash Course Public Speaking: Prepared or Not – How to Deliver Confident Presentations
Prof. Dr. Manuela Killian
AR-M 0115 Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 13 January 2022,
(Almost) Everything You Need to Know About Scientific Conferences
Dr. Marcus Niechciol
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 18 January 2022,
Scientific Writing in the STEM Subjects
Prof. Dr. Heiko Ihmels
AR-UB 114
Online, additional face-to-face part later
Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 20 January 2022,
Literaturrecherche und Forschungsstanderhebung
Beate Blecher-Quandel, Dr. Daniel Müller
AR-M 0115
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 25 January 2022,
Literaturverwaltung und Wissensorganisation mit Citavi
Dr. Sebastian Brandt
AR-UB 114
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Tue., 25 January 2022,
from 19:00

HYT-Stammtisch für Promovierende
Dr. Friederike Brodhun, Titia Hensel, Linda Hilkenbach, Dr. Marcus Niechciol
A pub in Siegen (to be announced) Registration not possible anymore
Thu., 27 January 2022,
Wie wird man eigentlich auf eine Lebenszeitprofessur berufen?
Dominik Lengeling, Dr. Daniel Müller
AR-M 0115
Online via Zoom
Registration not possible anymore
Mon., 21 March 2022, until
Fri., 25 March 2022
„Endlich Zeit für meine Diss!“ – Intensiv-Schreibwoche für Promovierende
Ute Reimers
Online via Zoom Registration not possible anymore

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House of Young Talents
Maria Klimach
H-C 6307
+49 271 740-3508

Mo. - Fr.: vormittags