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Courses, Credits and Semester

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Courses and Classes 

All courses offered in the current semester and the previous semesters are listed in unisono. Also, unisono provides contact details of teachers and academic staff. Course offerings for the upcoming semester are published 10 weeks before lecture period starts.

Types of Courses

The course offerings at the University of Siegen include different kinds of courses, such as lectures, seminars or tutorials. Standard meeting length is 90 minutes.

» Vorlesung
These lectures usually have a high number of participants and take place in lecture halls. Lecturers present scripts which are often available online to help students prepare for the exam.

For first year students, the course offerings sometimes also include lecture series (Ringvorlesungen) in which a number of lecturers give talks about different subjects.

» Seminar
Seminars are classes, in which topics are discussed by a teacher and approx. 20 – 40 students. Depending on school and department students need to take a final exam, give a presentation during lecture period or hand in a term paper.

Sometimes the course catalogue includes an additional description such as Proseminar (seminars for first-year students) or Hauptseminar (seminars for second- or third-year students).

» Grundkurs
Introductions to subjects are offered for first-year students.

» Übung
A tutorial is usually offered in combination with a lecture to further discuss subjects or weekly assignments.

» Kompaktseminar/ Blockveranstaltung
Block seminars comprise a few days of intensive course work. Sometimes compact seminars take place on Fridays and Saturdays or during the lecturefree period. Exact dates are provided on unisono. During the first session or meeting further course details are presented by the teacher.

» Kolloquium
A colloquium is a regular meeting of third-year students under guidance of a professor to prepare the thesis.

» Exkursion
Excursions or field trips are offered by the departments.

» Praktikum
In some study programs, an internship as mandatory.
When offered by the School of Natural Sciences and Technology, this type of course is a laboratory class.

Class Times

The first period starts at 8.30am. Following periods usually start 15 minutes past the hour, given there is no further explanatory note or remark.

Lecture Start Times in unisono
Lectues usually start 15 minutes later than given in unisono („academic quarter“). If the start of your class is given at 2pm, the class actually starts at 2.15pm.

» Sometimes the academic quarter is also indicated by an additional “c.t.” (cum tempore, lat. with time).
» If a class is scheduled at 2pm s.t. (sine tempore, lat. without time) the academic quarter does not apply and the class starts on time at 2pm.

Course Registration

In order to participate in a lecture or seminar, you have to register before via unisono. Here you can find a detailed description for the course registration. Please note the deadlines. If you need help with creating your time table, please contact the advisor or the Examination Office of your department.  

Exam Registration

A couple of weeks after the semester start you have to register for your exams and achievements you would like to get credit points for. Registration usually starts in November or May respectively.
Here you can find a detailed description for the registration of exams / achievements. Please note the deadlines as you will not be able to acquire any credit points if you miss the registration. Besides, don't forget to deregister from exams you do not want to take part in at the end. If you have questions or problems, please contact your Examination Office. You find a list of all examination offices and websites on Examination Offices of the University of Siegen

Erasmus and international exchange as well as short-term students cannot register for exams on unisono! You find further information on course registration on the websites for international exchange and short-term students.


Credits and Grades

At the University of Siegen credits are awarded in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System. 1 ECTS credit is worth 30 hours of work (contact and non-contact time; lecture, course preparation, assignments, exam). One semester of full-time study equals 30 ECTS credits.

Grades are awarded based on a five-point grading scale from 1 (sehr gut - very good, excellent) to 5 (nicht ausreichend - unsatisfactory, failed). If no grade is awarded, a course or exam is usually rated "passed" (bestanden) or "failed" (nicht bestanden). If failed, you won't get any credit points for this course.

Grade Text Explanation
 1  sehr gut - very good   an outstanding achievement
 2  gut - good  an achievement that exceeds the average requirements considerably
 3  befriedigend - satisfactory   an achievement that fulfils average requirements
 4  ausreichend - sufficient  an achievement that fulfils the requirements despite flaws
 5  nicht ausreichend  - failed   an achievement that does not fulfil requirements due to major flaws


Semester Fee

International students are currently not charged tuiton. Though a semester fee of approx. EUR 320 has to be paid by every student for registration and before each semester of study as part of re-registration. 

The semester fee includes costs for the Deutschland-Ticket, social and solidarity contribution as well as AstA contribution. For further information on the Deutschland-Ticket visit transportation.

The semester fee should be paid by bank transfer if possible. If this is not possible, cash payment or payment by credit card on campus is possible by arrangement.

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