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International Students

Eva Grottschreiber

Contact by email
F-S 406

Incoming Students: Europe & Global

Alicia Platt

Contact by email
F-S 403

Orientation Programs

Welcome Weeks (2) 860x280

Dear students,
Welcome to the University of Siegen - we are delighted to have you join us (soon)! 

Before lectures start, the Department of International Student Affairs offers an Orientation for Erasmus+ exchange students and international degree seeking students who start their studies in winter or summer semester. We guide you through the enrolment process, prepare your registration with local authorities, and provide general information on studies in Siegen, student services and campus life.

The student society Erasmus Student Network (ESN) supports us during the Welcome Weeks and organizes social events in the afternoons and evenings.

Find our orientation programs here:

Exchange students

Orientation Days for winter semester 24/25: 23.09.24 - 02.10.2024 on Campus! 

German Workshop
For our international exchange and short-term students the Language Center of the University of Siegen offers introductory courses each semester. Students starting their exchange, degree seeking or short-term studies in winter semester can register free of charge for an language workshop in September/October. A registration at the Language Center of the University of Siegen is required.

German Workshop winter semester 2024/25
» Course Dates: 30.09.2024 to 02.10.2024

» Registration Period until: 24.09.2024
»  Please send the filled out form to: daf@spz.uni-siegen.de

All language courses are free of charge for all participants who are, or will be enrolled as a student at the University of Siegen.

Degree seeking students (Bachelor + Master)

Orientation Days for winter semester 2024: 23.09. - 27.09.2024 on Campus!

During this week, you will get to know the University, the city and meet other students.
The orientation days will start on Tuesday, 23.09.2024 at 9.30 a.m. in the studyservicescenter in Sandtraße 16-18 in Siegen city center.

Further information and direcetions can be found here. You will get the detailed schedule on site.

Please register for the Orientation Days via email to isa-incoming@zv.uni-siegen.de

Additional offers:
» German Intensiv Course A1.1: 02.09.-20.09.
» Digital meeting for preparation of your arrival: Wednesday, 21.08.2024 at 1 p.m. (CET)
         Link: https://uni-siegen.webex.com/uni-siegen/j.php?MTID=m5e10c5523aded0b8a90ab54fb0bc77ba
                 Meeting ID (Zugriffscode): 2742 080 7090
                 Meeting password: mjHsw2JMaB59

» Digital meeting for all who missed the Orientation Days on Campus: Monday, 30.09.2024 at 1 p.m. (CET)

The link for the digital meetings will be published shortly before the meeting.

If you missed the orientation days and / or want to prepare yourself independently for studying and living in Siegen, please visit our information page.


Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
International Students

Eva Grottschreiber

Contact by email
F-S 406

Incoming Students: Europe & Global

Alicia Platt

Contact by email
F-S 403