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Here are the results of the project teams, which have been developed during the terms summer 2006 and winter 2006/2007.



Script: ÖKO:global - Die Welt spricht BIO

Video stream: ÖKO:global - Die Welt spricht BIO [Trailer]

Video stream: ÖKO:global - Gentechnikfreie Zone [Preview]

Video stream: ÖKO:global - Deutsche Ökopolitik [Preview]

Video stream: ÖKO:global - Costa Rica [Preview]


Talk show:

ÖKO:kontrovers: talk show

Video stream: ÖKO kontrovers: Kann die globale Ökowirtschaft die Welt ernähren



Draft: IFOAM Image Kampagne

Concept: „Sicher gut "

Concept: „Das was man nicht sieht

Concept: „Widerspruch


Communication Management:

Analysis: Organisationsstrukturen der IFOAM

Report: Bewertung der internen Kommunikation der IFOAM



Project-website: www.oeko-global.uni-siegen.de

Implementation of the german IFOAM internet presence: www.ifoam.de [Launch Feb 2008]


Project CI:

Draft: Project Identity

Draft: Print campaign of the talk show ÖKO:kontrovers


Project PR:

Promotion: Information booth at the University Siegen

Promotion: Organic waffles

Press: Press release about the talk show Öko:kontrovers

Press: Press review about the talk show Öko:kontrovers





All available information which is provided on this website is property of the University of Siegen, Germany. Transmission to third parties without permission is prohibited.