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Student Office Hours

Walk-In & Webex
F-S 007:
Tue 14.30 - 16.00,
Wed: 9.00 - 11.00
AR-SSC 028:
THU 9.00 - 11.00

(WebEx requires registration by e-mail)

Check cancelled office hours here

Send email
AR-SSC 028,
F-S 007 (Sandstr. 16-18)

Winter Semester 2024-25:
Information will follow soon

Erasmus+ Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

The Erasmus+ program generation 2021-2027 aims for equal opportunities, inclusion, diversity and fairness in all areas. The additional funding for Equal Opportunities and Inclusion is currently available at the University of Siegen for a limited number of target groups planning an Erasmus+ traineeship or short-term mobility in 2022/23 and for all target groups planning Erasmus+ in 2023/24.


Top-up: Equal Opportunities and Inclusion

Erasmus+ Studies

From the academic year 2023/24 on,  Students with chronic illness or disability, Students travelling with children, frist-generation academics as well as students with gainful employment, who have been accepted for Erasmus+ Studies or Erasmus+ Short-Term Mobilities abroad, are eligible to apply for a monthly top-up.

Erasmus+ Traineeships and Short-Term Mobility

Students with chronic illness or disability
 and Students travelling with children, who have been accepted for Erasmus+ Traineeships or Erasmus+ Short-Term Mobilities abroad, are eligible to apply for a monthly top-up.

Monthly Top-Up

The Top-up for Equal Opportunities and Inclusion of 250 EUR per month is granted in addition to the regular Erasmus+ grant.
Students with chronic illness or disability as well as Students travelling with children are eligible to apply for funding of real costs instead.

For for participants of a Blended Intensive Program the top-up is calculated as follows: one-time top-up of 100 EUR for day 5 to 14 of the physical stay, one-time top-up of 150 EUR for day 15 to 30 of the physical stay.   

Please note that both top-ups and real costs are subject to sufficient funding. 


Students who have been selected in the regular application process and meet the respective funding criteria are eligible to apply for the Equal Opportunities and Inclusion Top-up.

To apply for the top-up, students select the respective top-up when applying for Erasmus+ studies via our MoveON Outgoing Portal. Once the Declaration on Honour has been submitted, the top-up application is considered complete. For further information see "Documentation, Supporting Documents and Sample Checks".

Documentation and Sample Checks

The Declaration on Honor must be signed by hand. Student must keep the hard copy for future sample tests.

A soft copy can be included in the online application for Erasmus+ Studies or Short-Term Mobilities.
The document has to be submitted before the start of the mobility and before the grant agreement is issued. Please note that retroactive funding is not possible.

Submission Deadlines

  • Mobilities starting in winter semester: June 30
  • Mobilities in summer semester: November 30

Supporting Documents

Depending on the respective taget group supporting documents gave to be submitted.

Sample Checks

Random sample checks are conducted by the Department International Student Affairs. Additionally, the National Agency (NA DAAD) may also schedule audits. Therefore students must save and store all relevant documents for a period of 5 years and  present these documents upon request.


Target Groups

Students with Chronic Illness and Disability

Students with chronic illness or a degree of disability(Grad der Behinderung, GdB) of 20 and more, are eligible to apply for additional funding to cover extra costs resulting from their stay abroad.

Students with chronic illness or disability may opt for either top-up or reimbursement of real costs, given they meet the eligibility criteria.
Top-up funding and reimbursement of real costs may be combined in cases where: 1) two different criteria are met for receiving top-up amount and reimbursement of real costs (e.g., top-up for students with gainful employment as well as real costs for students with a disability); or 2) only one criterion is met, but it can be clearly demonstrated that the top-up or real cost applications are not being applied for the same costs.

Supporting Documents

Students with a chronic illness
must keep a medical certificate confirming that additional financial needs will arise abroad due to the existing chronic illness as a supporting document and present it upon request. The nature of the illness does not need to be included in the certificate. Please do not disclose any diagnoses.

Students with a disability must keep a copy of their severely handicapped ID card, the notice from the state social welfare office, or a medical certificate as a supporting document and present it upon request.

Students travelling with children

At least one child must be taken along during the entire stay abroad. The amount of the top-up is independent of the number of children. Double sponsorship of the child is not permitted.

It is also possible to apply for the top-up amount if the student is accompanied by his or her partner. If both parents receive the regular grant when taking at least two children with them, both parents can receive the top-up amount.

Students travelling with children may opt for either top-op or real costs, given they meet the respective eligibility criteria. Top-up and real costs may be combined if they meet two different criteria.

Top-up funding and reimbursement of real costs may be combined in cases where: 1) two different criteria are met for receiving top-up amount and reimbursement of real costs (e.g., top-up for students with gainful employment as well as real costs for students travelling with children); or 2) only one criterion is met, but it can be clearly demonstrated that the top-up or real cost applications are not being applied for the same costs.

Supporting Documents 

Travel documents for each accompanying child must be saved and presented upon request.

Students with Gainful Employment

The employment must have been exercised continuously for at least six months with temporal reference to the mobility. A longer period of employment before the start of the mobility is not a criterion for exclusion.
The period of employment must be within 6 months before the application deadline and the date of the start of the mobility. As a rule, self-employed activities and dual/part-time study programs with a fixed salary are excluded.

During the minimum period of employment before application, the monthly income must be above 450 EUR and below 850 EUR (net earnings of all activities per month added up).

The activity/activities in Germany will not be continued during the stay abroad (this also includes mobile working, online working, paid vacation, etc.). Termination is not a requirement, the employment contract can also be paused.

Supporting Documents

Pay slips or tax declarations must be retained as supporting documents and presented upon request.

First-Generation Academics

Both parents or guardians do not hold a degree from a university or university of applied sciences. A degree from a university of cooperative education leading to a degree comparable to a university degree is considered an academic degree. A master craftsman's diploma is not equivalent to an academic degree in this context.

In case of doubt, it is the student's responsibility to prove that his or her parents' degrees in the country in which they were earned are not considered academic degrees and thus entitle him or her to the top-up amount. This applies in particular to degrees earned abroad.

Courses of study completed abroad by one of the parents that are not recognized as such in Germany (e.g. physiotherapy) are considered to be an academic degree within the scope of the eligibility criteria for receiving the supplementary grant, so that there is no claim to the top-up amount.

Supporting Documents

A declaration on honour, including information on the education of both parents, must be saved and stored and presented upon request.

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Student Office Hours

Walk-In & Webex
F-S 007:
Tue 14.30 - 16.00,
Wed: 9.00 - 11.00
AR-SSC 028:
THU 9.00 - 11.00

(WebEx requires registration by e-mail)

Check cancelled office hours here

Send email
AR-SSC 028,
F-S 007 (Sandstr. 16-18)

Winter Semester 2024-25:
Information will follow soon