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North American Literary and Cultural Studies

Nordamerikanische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft


  • Comics Studies / Graphic Narrative Studies

One of our main research interests in North American Literary and Cultural Studies is comics.
Comics have been a significant part of American culture since their emergence in the 1890s, when newspaper comic strips became a popular mass medium.
If you have a special interest in comics and wish to study their history and form, you will be able to do so in one of several comics-related courses we are offering in the BA program “Literature, Culture, Media” (BA LKM), the MA program “Advanced Literary Studies” (MA LiWi), and in the teaching program for English (“Lehramt”).
Past courses we have offered are:
  • Graphic Narrative: Theory and Analysis
  • Race and Ethnicity in U.S.-American Comics
  • Black History in Graphic Narratives
  • Contemporary Graphic Novels
  • Disaster Drawn: War and Migration in Graphic Narrative
  • Extra-ordinarity: Superheroes and Visual Culture
  • Graphic Women
  • Graphic Novels in Context
  • Gender Studies and Comics Studies
  • Intersectional Comics Studies
  • Graphic Narrative as Historiography
  • Popular Nineteenth-Century Serial Literature

  • Early American Studies

Lukas Etter and Marcel Hartwig research early science discourses and their impact on the literary work with a particular focus on arithmetic (Etter) and the modes of professionalization/ specialization in early medical developments in the British American colonies (Hartwig):

Publications of Dr. Etter:
Distinctive Styles and Authorship in Alternative Comics
Reader Superhelden. Theorie – Geschichte – Medien

Publications of Dr. Hartwig:
Networked David Lynch, eds. Andreas Rauscher, Marcel Hartwig and Peter Niedermüller. Edinburgh: EUP (forthcoming).
  • African-American Literature and Culture

  • Popular Culture

  • Intermedia and Transmedia Studies

  • Transnational Approaches 



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Book Series and Magazines

Current / Completed Doctoral Candidates/Projects

  • BROWN, Kieron. Half Serious: Toward a Typology of Playfulness in Comics
  • DONADON, Lia Roxana. Im Kreuzfeuer des Zeitgeistes. Gesellschaftskritische Diskurse im argentinischen Tango und Comic des 20. Jahrhunderts
  • KARLSSON, Isabella. The Transformation of Surveillance: Big Data and Social Control in Contemporary American Fiction
  • KNOP, Yvonne. Sherlock Holmes and the (De-)Construction of Masculinity: A Comparative Analysis of Adaptations, Fanfiction and Fanart
  • MAUÉ, Carla. Internalized Racism as America's Distorted Reality: Social Constructions and Popular Conceptions of Race, 1963-2016
  • PAPAKI, Ioanna. The Development of Contemporary Graphic Narrativity: Greek Comics and Beyond
  • REIMERS, Ute. Writing Academic English in Germany: German PhD Student Writer's Disciplinary Identities
  • SHIRLEY, Julia. Plants in Animated Films
  • TOMABECHI, Nao. The Significance of Supervillains in American Superhero Comics
  • WIELE, Lisanna. City Politics, Seriality, and Popular Literature in Antebellum America – The City Mysteries by George Lippard, Ned Buntline and George Thompson

Current Post-Doctoral Candidates/Projects

  • ETTER, Lukas. Word Problems: Discourse on Logics and Scientific Progress in Antebellum Literature
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