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Lehrveranstaltungen vergangener Semester in Auswahl

Freie Universität Berlin:

Rhetorics of Continuity and Change: A Survey of US Cultural History

Utopian Communities in/and the United States

A Genealogy of the Human Mind: Tracing Intelligence Discourses from Locke to Neoliberalism

Theorizing Culture

Gender, Race and Class beyond the End of the World? Speculative Fiction and Neoliberal Meritocracy

"I will not equivocate:" Social (Reform) Movements from the Early Republic to the Antebellum Era

Speculative Survival: Genre, Gender, and Identity Politics in the 21st Century

Cultural Theory and Contemporary Dystopian and Post-Apocalyptic Narrative


Albert-Ludwig-Universität Freiburg:

Introduction to Literary Studies (tutorial)

Introduction to Cultural Studies (tutorial)

The Roaring Twenties and American Modernism (tutorial) 


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