Winter 2023/24:
Summer 2023:
Winter 2022/2023:
Sommer 2022:
Winter 2021/2022:
Summer 2021:
- Memories, Identities, (Non-)Knowledge: Kazuo Ishiguro's Novels
- New Voices? - African-Irish poetry and Prose, Arts and Activism
Summer 2023:
Winter 2022/2023:
- Re-Reading James Joyce’s Dubliners
- In Pursuit of (Non-)Knowledge: The Many Reincarnations of Frankenstein in Literature and Film
Sommer 2022:
Winter 2021/2022:
Summer 2021:
- Taboo, Transgression and Transition in British Literature
- Innovation, Experiment and the Radicalism of Form: Contemporary Irish Novels
Winter 2020/21:
Summer 2020:
Winter 2019/20:
Summer 2012 – Summer 2019:
- Dublin/ers: Traveling through Time and Space (project Seminar plus excursion to Dublin) (Marburg)
- Ghost(ly) Stories: Narratives of the Uncanny and the Fantastic (Marburg)
- Performing Canada – Canadian Identities between Satire and (Re-)Negotiation (project seminar plus student conference, Marburg)
- «the abyss beneath our illusory sense of connection with the world»: The Writings of Kazuo Ishiguro, Nobel Laureate (Marburg)
- Centering the Margins – New Irish Fiction (Marburg)
- Contemporary Canadian Women Writers (Marburg)
- Irish Tales and the Beginning(s) of the Short Story in Ireland (Marburg)
- Into the Wild? – Canadian Narratives of Human (and) Nature (Marburg)
- Lonely Voices? – The Short Story as Ireland’s ‘National Genre’ (Siegen/Marburg)
- Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre and Critical Theory: Adaptations, Post-Colonial Responses and Parodies (Siegen/Marburg)
- The Irish Novel at the End of the 20th Century (Siegen)
- Under (Re-)Construction: Masculinity, AIDS and the Media (Siegen)
- Making History: British and Irish Literature (Siegen)
- Body and Gender Theories (Siegen)
- British Fin-de-Siècle Literature (Siegen)
- Aspects of Ireland: The Irish Short Story in the 20th Century (Siegen)
- Intertextuality, Intermediality and Metafiction in the Novels of Stephen King (Siegen)
- Stephen King’s The Dark Tower Series and Beyond: From Robert Browning to J. K. Rowling (Siegen)
- Classic Utopian and Dystopian Novels and Films (Siegen)
- Culture, Politics and Science in Dystopian Novels (Siegen)
- Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies (Siegen, Summer 2013 – Winter 2015/16)
- Academic Writing (Braunschweig)