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Forschungsfreisemester (research semester) during the winter term 2024/25

I have been granted a research semester during the upcoming winter term to pursue work on a project called Diagnose Englisch with Klett publishers. This means that I will not be on campus as frequently as I would be during a "normal" term. To get in touch with me, please contact me viae-mail rather than trying to call me in my office. Thank you!


Joint publication with Ralf Gießler on the status of vocabulary work (and other aspects of FLT) in the new KMK Bildungsstandards (standards of education) from 2023 for foreign language teaching in years 5-10 in Germany (2024)

In response to the publication of new and revised standards of eduction for FLT in years 5-10 in Germany in 2023, Ralf Gießler and I analysed how the KMK dealt with vocabulary work and a few other areas of foreign language teaching and learning in comparion to how they treated them in the standards from 2004 and 2005, respectively. The simple answer is: Even worse than before. But see for yourselves in our article which is part of an entire Thementeil "Bildungsstandards" in volume 35 (1) of the Zeitschrift für Fremdsprachenforschung.

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