Kunter, Gero. 2017. Processing complexity and the alternation between analytic and synthetic forms in English. An der Philosophischen Fakultät der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf als Habilitationsschrift im Fach Englische Sprachwissenschaft eingereicht.
Kunter, Gero & Ingo Plag. 2016. Morphological embedding and phonetic reduction: The case of triconstituent compounds. Morphology, 1-27. DOI: 10.1007/s11525-016-9284-5.
Dorgeloh, Heidrun & Gero Kunter. 2015. Modelling non-locative inversion as an instance of functional specialization. In Sanchez-Stockhammer, Christina (ed.), Building bridges into the future: Can we predict linguistic change? Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change 16.
Homann, Julia, Ingo Plag & Gero Kunter. 2015. Homophony and morphology. The acoustics of word-final S in English. Journal of Linguistics. Available on CJO2015, DOI: 10.1017/S0022226715000183.
Kunter, Gero. 2015. Effects of processing complexity in perception and production. The case of English comparative alternation. In Pirrelli, Vito, Claudia Marzi & Marcello Ferro (eds.), Proceedings of the NetWordS Final Conference on Word Knowledge and Word Usage: Representations and Processes in the Mental Lexicon, Pisa, Italy, March 30–April 1, 2015. 32–36.
Kösling, Kristina, Gero Kunter, R. Harald Baayen & Ingo Plag. 2013. Modelling pitch contours in English tripartite compounds. Pitch contours and Linguistic Theory. Language and Speech 56(4), 529–554.
Kunter, Gero. 2011. Compound stress in English. The phonetics and phonology of prosodic prominence. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Plag, Ingo, Gero Kunter & Mareile Schramm. 2011. Acoustic correlates of primary and secondary stress in North American English. Journal of Phonetics 39(3), 362–374.
Kunter, Gero. 2010. Perception of prominence patterns in English nominal compounds. Speech Prosody 2010 102007, 1–4.
Plag, Ingo & Gero Kunter. 2010. Constituent Family Size and Compound Stress Assignment in English. In Susan Olsen (ed.), New Impulses in Word-Formation, 349–382. Hamburg: Buske.
Plag, Ingo, Gero Kunter, Maria Braun & Sabine Lappe. 2008. The role of semantics, argument structure, and lexicalization in compound stress assignment in English. Language 84(4), 760–794.
Kunter, Gero & Ingo Plag. 2007. What is compound stress? Proceedings of the 16th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Saarbrücken, 1005–1008.
Plag, Ingo, Gero Kunter & Sabine Lappe. 2007. Testing hypotheses about compound stress assignment in English: a corpus-based investigation. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 3(2), 199–232.
Kunter, Gero. 2015. Review of Kerti Börjars, David Denison & Alan Scott (eds.). 2013. Morphosyntactic categories and the expression of possession. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.. Morphology 25(1), 139–142.
Accepted for publication
Kunter, Gero. Do information status and sentence position affect the prominence patterns of English compounds? 40 pages. Accepted for publication in English Language & Linguistics.
(last revision: April 8, 2016)