Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
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Veranstaltungssuchezur unisono Veranstaltungssuche
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Mobile Archives: Registration


Last Name / Family Name *
First name / Given Name *
E-mail address *
Repeat e-mail address *
Institution *

Agree with data processing and usage of third party platforms (* mandatory)

The data submitted with this form is used exclusively for organisational purposes connected to this event. The data will be deleted after every aspect has been wrapped up. You will also received an e-mail (not encrypted) containing the data you submitted as confirmation.
I understand that the event takes place using the videoconferencing and streaming platform ZOOM and that necessary data may be shared with the providers of this platform. For participation in the event, installation and usage of the ZOOM client is required.
I understand that the organisers can not take any responsibility for recordings/copies of audio/video data (live or of the recording) made by participants using technical means outside of our control. Agreeing to data processing and the usage of ZOOM is required to participate in the event.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche