Einladung zum Gastvortrag von Travis Harris am 29.11. um 16 Uhr
Mittwoch, 29. November, 16 Uhr, AR-K 116
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
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Mittwoch, 29. November um 16 Uhr - Veranstaltungsort: AR K 116
mit Travis Harris (Norfolk State University):
"Stranger In My Own Country: Hip Hop, Disenfranchised Identities, and Performances of Resistance"
Organisator: Prof. Dr. Daniel Stein und Dr. Marcel Hartwig
Zum Inhalt:
This talk will draw out the parallels between minority groups in the US and Germany with a particular focus on those who are Hip Hop. Bringing together performance studies with Hip Hop studies, I will analyze the ways in which disenfranchised people perform Hip Hop identities. This particular Hip Hop identity performed is informed by the idea of Hip Hop being a collective consciousness that comes out of a sacrifice. This Hip Hop identity is not one that the Hip Hoppa puts on and takes off, they are Hip Hop all the time. Therefore, this notion of "performance" is not a stage performance, rather, it is how minorities live in the private and public spheres that enable them to resist oppressive forces.
Zur Person:
Travis Harris, Ph.D., is the Director of Black Revolutionary Education for the International Black Freedom Alliance, Visiting Assistant Professor at Norfolk State University, and the Editor in Chief for the Journal of Hip Hop Studies. He is actively involved in the Black liberation movement and does not separate his freedom work from his academic work. His primary goal is for all Black people to get free. He has a plethora of experience in the freedom struggle, from getting Black people out of jail to protesting on the front lines to writing policy in order to make systemic change. His research examines the multiple dimensions of African diasporas with a specific focus on race, religion, and Hip Hop. As an interdisciplinary freedom-fighting scholar, he analyzes the complexities of Black life.