The Fickle Fate of Classics (SoSe 2014 / Donnerstags, 8.00-10.00)
Prof. Dr. Anja MüllerWorkshops
Workshop mit Prof Dr. Matthew O. Grenby, Newcastle University
Freitag, 14. Juni 2013
Vergangene Tagungen
Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature, Tübingen
11.-13.09.2014; organisiert von Prof. Dr. Anja Müller gemeinsam mit apl. Prof. Dr. Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer (Tübingen); unterstützt durch die Fritz Thyssen Stiftung
Vergangene Vorträge
Vortrag an der Universitá Ca' Foscari
17.11.2015, Venedig, Italien
- Anja Müller: “Visualizing Macbeth in Shakespeare Comicbooks and Manga”
Vortrag auf der 2015 ISSCL Conference "Construcing Childhoods and Texts for Children"
10.-11.04.2015, Dún Laoghaire, Ireland
- Simone Herrmann: "Robinson Crusoe's Neglected Centuries: 20th- and 21st-Century Transformations of the British Robinsonade."
Vorträge auf der studentischen Tagung "Lions and Unicorns"
09.-10.02.2015, Siegen
- Franziska Burstyn: "The Secularisation of the Unicorn: From Christ Figure to Cyber-Goddess."
- Anja Müller, Keynote Lecture: "Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know, or The Pride of the Rock? Exploring the Symbolic Den ofthe Lions of Lannister."
Eingeladener Vortrag für den Workshop "Transformations of Childhoods in Contemporary Britain"
07.-08.11.2014, Bielefeld
- Anja Müller: "Writing plural childhoods (?) - Some thoughts concerning the recent shortlists of some children's books awards."
- Außerdem: Response zum Vortrag "Trnsformations in nursery care for Britain's under-fives c. 1960-2010" von Angela Davis (Warwick)
Vortrag auf dem Inklings-Symposium "Dark Visions: Margaret Atwood’s Imaginative Travels into the Regions of the Uncomfortable"
27.-28.09.2014, Düren
Vorträge auf der Tagung "Canon Constitution and Canon Change in Children's Literature"
- Franziska Burstyn: "The North and the Pursuit of the World Song in Russell Hoban’s Soonchild."
11.-13.09.2014, Tübingen
- Anja Müller: "Canon Formation and Social Imaginaries in British Children's Literaure."
- Simone Herrmann: "Changing Democratic Values in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Robinsonades for Children: A Case Study."
- Franziska Burstyn: "Of Water-Fairies and the North Wind - Divine Mentorship in Victorian Fantasy Literature."
Vortrag auf der Tagung "Informing the Inklings - George MacDonald and the Victorian Roots of Modern Fantasy"
13.-15.08.2014, Magdalen College Oxford
Vortrag auf der Tagung "Adventures in Wonder Worlds - The Power of Literary Fantasy"
- Franziska Burstyn: "A Floating Princess and a Fallen Star, or Gravity Unhinged: Femininity in George MacDonald’s and Neil Gaiman’s Fiction."
05.-06.12.2013 Ateneo Veneto, Venedig - zum Flyer
Anja Müller: "Power in/of Fantasy in the Wonder Worlds of J.R.R. Tolkien and G.R.R. Martin."
Vorträge auf der Tagung "Born Happy: Happiness, Childhood and Children's Literature"
16.11.2013, St. Hilda's College, Oxford - Externer Link
- Franziska Burstyn: "Dreaming of the Land of Plenty: A Defence of Utopias in Children's Literature."
- Simone Herrmann: "'Uninterrupted Harmony' or Barbaric Wasteland: The Ambigious Island Motif in Nineteenth-Century Robinsonades for Children."
Vortrag auf der Tagung "'… so that I wished myself to be a horse': Das Pferd als Repräsentant kulturellen Wandels in Denksystemen"
14.-16.11.2013, Universität Vechta
- Anja Müller: "The Different Faces of War Horse – Media Change and Cultural Implications.
Vorträge auf der Tagung "Feast or Famine: Food in Children's Literature"
09.11.2013, Roehampton University, London - Externer Link
- Franziska Burstyn: "The Myth of the Magic Porridge Pot: Never-ending Edibles in Children's Literature."
- Simone Herrmann: "The Island that Provides - Food Supply and Sustenance in Victorian Robinsonades for Children and Young Adults."