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Forschungsprojekt: „Gender in Media Performance“

Prof. Dr. Eckart Voigts-Virchow
Dr. Monika Pietrzak-Franger


Voigts-Virchow, Eckart und Mark Schreiber. „Will the ‚Wordy Body’ Please Stand Up?: The Crises of Male Impersonation in Monological Drama“ in Clare Wallace (Ed.) Monologues. Theatre, Performance, Subjectivity. Prague: Litteraria Pragensia Books, 2006. 278-296.

Voigts-Virchow, Eckart. „Neil LaBute, The Shape of Things” (Arbeitstitel) in Herbert Grabes, Klaus Schwank, Eds., Handbuch amerikanisches Drama der Gegenwart. Trier: WVT, in Vorbereitung für 2009).
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika. „Silencing the Male: Rochester’s Muteness.” NJES 7/1 (2008) <http://hdl.handle.net/2077/10204>.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika. Male Body and Masculinity: Representations of Men in the British Visual Culture of the 1990s. Trier: WVT, 2007.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika. „Body Languages: Francis Bacon and Alina Szapocznikow.” Between Two Cultures: Poland and Britain. Ed. Peter Leese. Poznań: British Council Publishing, 2004: 161-178.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika. “‘The Bugger King.’” Beyond Aesthetics: Performance, Media, and Cultural Studies. Eds. Christopher Balme and Meike Wagner. Trier: WVT, 2004: 65-71.

Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 24.9-26.9.2008, „‘Are you fucking my wife?’ – Or is it the other way round?: Constructions of femininity in Mankiewicz’s and Branagh’s Sleuth." Third Annual Association of Literature on Screen Conference. Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 22.8-24.8.2008, „The Strange Case of Dr. William and Mr. Jack: Adapting 19th Century ‘Deviant’ Masculinities.“ Adapting the 19th Century: Revisiting, Revising and Rewriting the Past. University of Wales Lampeter, UK.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 24.9-26.9.2008, „Sleuth: Adapting British Masculinities.“ Cultures of Translation: Adaptation in Film and Performance. University of Glamorgan, Cardiff, UK.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 20.9-22.9.2007, „The Elephant Man – The Guardian of the Victorian Social Order.“ 2nd Annual Literature on Screen Conference, Atlanta, USA.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 25.7-28.7.2008: „Alarming Ambiguity of Trafficked Bodies.“ The 6th Mesea Conference: Migration Matters. Leiden University, Leiden, The Neatherlands.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 24.5-26.5.2008: „Auto-Destruction in Self-Construction: Female Self-Mutilation in American Popular Culture.“ NAAS 2007 Conference/
The 11th Biennial Tampere North American Studies Conference, Tampere, Finland.

Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 31.8-3.9.2006: „What Headscarves (Un)veil: The Annexation of the Bodies of German Minority Women.”  Gender and Citizenship in a Multicultural Gender Context. 6th European Gender Research Conference, Lódź, Poland.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 20.4 -21.4.2006: „Fixed Body Boundaries and their Blurring: How Subversive are Victorian Male Nudes?” Victorian Masculinities. Conference at Keele University, Keele, UK.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 2.7.2005: „The Influence of Feminism on the Conceptualisation and Stylisation of the Male Body in the Visual Arts.” Feminism in the Arts in the Contemporary Britain. International Conference at York St John College, York, UK.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 25.7-7.8.2004: „Parfait Mélange: The Male and the Female in Peter Greenaway’s Pillow Book.” Media and Beyond: Corporealities and Crises. IPP Summer School, Mainz, Germany.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 25.1.2004: „The Sensitive Man: Representations of the New Man in the British Cinema.” Gender and Globalisierung des Interdisciplinaeren Arbeitskreis Frauen-und Genderforshung der Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
Pietrzak-Franger, Monika, 6.4-12.4.2003: „Unclothing the Male: Body in Polish Art of the 1990s.” Body as a Universal Sign, International Conference, Krakow, Poland.
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