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Short CV

Dr. Daniela Mysliwietz-Fleiß

2000-2006 Studied Modern and Contemporary History, German language and literature studies (literary studies) and Business Sciences (Economics) at the Gerhard Mercator University GH of Duisburg respectively the University of Duisburg-Essen
2003-2006 Cooperation in the research project "Industrial heritage, image and identity in the Ruhr area" ("Industriekultur, Image und Identität im Ruhrgebiet") under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Angela Schwarz
2006 Master degree ("Magister Artium"); topic: "Enroute to the 'starken Stück Deutschland' (slogan for the Ruhr area): image and identity formation in the Ruhr area in times of coal and steel crisis" (German title: "Auf dem Weg zum 'starken Stück Deutschland': Image- und Identitätsbildung im Ruhrgebiet in Zeiten von Kohle- und Stahlkrise")
since August 2006 Graduate assistant at the Chair of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Siegen (Prof. Dr. Angela Schwarz)
2013 Doctoral thesis; topic: "Innenräume: Die Entdeckung der Fabrik als touristische Attraktion des deutschen Bürgertums im Übergang zur Moderne" ("The Factory as a Tourist Attraction of the German Bourgeoisie enroute to modernity")
since 2014 Postdoctoral research project, working title: "Der Stadt-Raum als diskursiv gestaltete Lebenswelt, 1960-1970" (The space of the city as discursively shaped lifeworld, 1960-1970)
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