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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Carolin Gerlitz

Medienwissenschaft - Digital Media and Methods
+49 (0) 271-740 5150
AH-A 129
Herrengarten 3
57072 Siegen


Advancing a socio-technical perspective on digital media with a focus on the politics of data, data practices, sensory media and their economies. Interested in advancing digital research methodologies and inventive methods for interdisciplinary media research. Between media studies and sociology.

Speaker and Principal Investigator SFB 1187 Media of Cooperation (DFG) 

Principal Investigator C01 "Fabricating the People" SFB 1472 Transformations of the Popular (DFG)

Co-Leader Center for Digital Methodologies in Media, Language and Technology Research 

Deputy Speaker Department of Media Studies 

Member EnableUS

Tools for Digital Methodologies: Tool Lab

Member Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur Mainz

Research Interests

Digital media technologies, inventive methodologies for media research, digital methods, platform studies, social media, app studies, valuation, media of calculation, economic sociology, quantification and metrics, data, infrastructure studies, sensor media, issue mapping.

Office hours

Please book an office hour here: https://www.uni-siegen.de/phil/sprechstunde/?id=184


Sabine Löw
AH-A 121 Herrengarten 3 57072 Siegen 
+49 (0) 271-740 2319 

Student Assistants 

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