Vorträge (Auswahl)
Keynote Multilingualism and Translanguaging in Migration Studies, Auftaktveranstaltung zu PhD workshop series “Methodological and Research-Related Challenges and Strategies in Multilingual Research in Multicultural Settings“, Institut für Bildungswissenschaft, Universität Wien (04.04.2022)
Entrepreneurial Networks of Russian Germans across the Eurasian Space. Conference Russian Germans on Four Continents: Global History and Present, University of Osnabrück (10-12.11.2021)
Immigrant Agency: The Case of Russian-Speaking Immigrants and Citizens in Germany. 15th ESA Conference, Barcelona (1.09.2021)
Mundane Transnational Social Spaces of Ordinary Cities: From an Immigrant Shop to a Transnational Supermarket Chain, 18th IMISCOE Annual Conference, University of Luxembourg (09.07.2021)
The Ethnography of Auto-Exoticism, Forschungswerkstatt Prof. Schittenhelm, Universität Siegen (02.07.2021)
New Opportunities and Challenges While Acquiring Practical Competencies & Skills within the Collaborative Teaching Project Do EU together with Dr. Bohatyrets, Conference “Current Trends of the Regional Collaborations”, Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine (28.05.2021)
Intergenerational Differences in the Family – The Example of Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Germany, Colloque international Famille sans frontières, Université de Tours, Frankreich (02.04.2021)
Lost in Languages – Lost in Translation? Methodological Reflections on Multilingual Contexts, ESA Conference RN 35 Towards Reflexivity in Migration Studies, Online Event (22.01.2021)
From the Ethnic Family Store Moskva to the Supermarket Chain Mix Markt: Collective Agency, Colloquium Prof. Kutzner, Universität Siegen (9.07.2020)
Immigrant Agency and Language, Forschungswerkstatt Prof. Schittenhelm, Universität Siegen (31.01.2020)
Öko, grün, vegan… Wandel zum Umweltbewusstsein durch soziale Bewegungen, ASTA Ringvorlesung, Universität Siegen (11.12.2019)
Ethnic Cultural Associations and Identity Formation of Immigrants, Conference of the European Sociological Association, Manchester, UK (22.08.2019)
Teaching Intersectionality: On the Crossroad of Gender, Ethnicity, Class and Nationality, AtGender Spring Conference, Gijon, Spain (09.05.2019)
Geschlechtsspezifische Handlungsstrategien von Zuwanderern aus der ehemaligen Sowjetunion in Deutschland, SOWiS-Vortragsreihe, University of Siegen, Germany (16.01.2019)
Slavic Families in the German Context, International conference 'Family in Crisis? Crossing Borders, Crossing Narratives', Palma, Ille Belears, Spain (11.03.2018)
Germany's Post-Soviet Heritage: Immigrants as Agents of Social Change, International Conference 'Social and Political Transformations in the Central and Eastern Europe', Odessa National University, Ukraine (28.06.2017)
Der Wandel des Umweltbewusstseins und Umweltverhaltens durch soziale Bewegungen, ASTA Ringvorlesung Nachhaltigkeit – Umwelt – Bildung, Universität Siegen (23.05.2017)
Family Through the Prism of EU Migration Policies, conference ‘Family Matters: Transnational Perspectives on the State of the Family in Europe (Germany and Italy) and the United States’, Villa Vigoni, Italy (15.02.2017)
2015 - 2016
Der Weg zur Selbstständigkeit: Frauen zwischen Arbeit und Familie, Gastvortrag beim Netzwerk Hochschulsekretariat, Universität Siegen (28.11.2016)
How Cultural Immigrants’ Groups Contribute to the Solution of an Intersectional Trap, 6th midterm Conference of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network Sociology of Culture (RN7), University of Exeter, United Kingdom (16.11.2016)
From Revolution on the Granite towards the Revolution of Dignity: Modern Ukrainian Protest Culture, Guest lecture in the Series of Lectures “Borders, Barriers and Protest Culture”, A.I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania (11.11.2016)
Unbezahlt = Unsichtbar? Der Wert unbezahlter Arbeit, Gastvortrag beim Equal-Pay-Day des ver.di-Bezirks Siegen-Olpe, der IG Metall Siegen-Wittgenstein und des DGB-Kreisverbandes Siegen-Wittgenstein, Universität Siegen (10.10.2016)
‘Little Russia’: Ethnic Neighbourhoods in German Mid-sized Cities, Midterm conference Moving Cities:Contested Views on Urban Life, European Sociological Association, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland (29.05.2016)
Die ‘unauffällige’ Macht der Heteronormativität, Veranstaltungsreihe Macht und Gewalt, Universität Siegen (03.12.2015)
Die, die dazu in der Lage sind, fliehen: Gegenwärtige Zuwanderung durch den militärischen Konflikt in der östlichen Ukraine, Vortragsreihe ‘Verantwortung’ der Ev. Studentengemeinde, Universität Siegen (30.06.2015)
Ordinary Cities and EXTRA-ordinary Immigrants: Liquid Identities in the Urban Settings. Euroacademia International Conference ‘Identity and Identifications’, Lucca, Italy (19.06.2015)
Migration Challenges and Policy Responses in the European Union. The International Conference on the Interdisciplinary Research, A.I. Cuza University of Iasi, Romania (11.06.2015)
‘Russaki’: Identity on the Margins. 2015 Annual Conference of the Irish Association for Russian, Central and East European Studies, Dublin, Ireland (10.05.2015)
Shift in Social Orders – Shift in Gender Roles? Migration Experience and Gender Roles. The 10th International Conference Woman in Culture, Gdansk, Poland (07.03.2015)
In the Harmony with My Former Self? Identity Transformation and Migration, The 6th Global Conference of Inter-Disciplinary.Net, Prague, Czech Republic (03.11.2014)
Transformation of Gender Roles under the Impact of Immigration Experience, Interdisciplinary Conference Global Discourses in Gender Studies, Tennessee State University, USA (06.04.2013)
Migration and Integration at the Macro-, Meso- and Micro-Levels: German Context, International Conference on migration and integration, St. Petersburg, Russia (17.11.2012)
Socio-cultural Changes of the Female and Male Representations in the German Proverbial and Anti-proverbial Contexts, Colloquium on Proverbs at IAP, Tavira, Portugal (08.11.2011)
Die Rollenflexibilität in Familien: die Politik, das Modell, die Praxis, Internationale Konferenz, Staatliche Universität Moskau, Russland (12.04.2010)
Gender Mainstreaming as a Strategy for Realization of Gender Equality in the European Union and in the Ukrainian Context, Alljährliche Plenarsitzung zur Angewandten Forschung ‘EU-Ukraine: Mitglieder oder Nachbarn’, Kiew-Mohyla Akademie, Ukraine (14.11.2008)
Komponenten der Selbstverwirklichung von Geschäftsfrauen in der privaten und öffentlichen Sphäre, Kharkiv Soziologische Lesungen, Kharkiv, Ukraine (21.11.2008)
Image of a Modern Business Woman and its Symbolical Attributes, Internationale Konferenz ‘Soziologie und moderne soziale Übersetzungen’, Kiew National Universität, Kiew, Ukraine (09.10.2008).
The Social Portrait of the Modern Ukrainian Businesswoman, Kursschule Gender in der Politik, Robert Schuman Institute, Budapest, Ungarn (02.04.2008).