Executive Department for
Press, Communication and Marketing
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2a Gebäude AVZ (Gebäudeteil AR-NA) 57068 Siegen
Phone:    +49 (0)271/740-4915 Fax.:    +49 (0)271/740-4911 E-Mail:  presse@uni-siegen.de
News and Press
Welcome to the Executive Department for Press, Communication and Marketing of the University of Siegen.
This site provides news about the University of Siegen - from research news to event announcements. We provide regional, national and international media representatives with details about research results and exciting background stories. A range of publications, such as the university newspaper, are offered to complement our service. In addition, we are responsible for marketing activities at the University of Siegen and we organize central events.
If you are a media representative, please feel free to contact us when you are looking for a scientific expert.
Christmas holidays 2024
(19.12.2024) The University of Siegen would like to inform you about its opening hours around the Christmas holidays 2024. The University would like to provide all students and employees with planning security at an early stage with a uniform regulation. This will also help to save energy and thus improve the ecological footprint.
Big Companies Looking for School-Age Solutions from NRW and the USA
(16.02.2024) MINTco@NRW, a cooperation project with funding from the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry for Education, promises students insights into how companies work and produce their products. Participants will have the chance to propose solutions for real logistic, ergonomic, technical, and commercial problems.
How Can Climate Policy be Framed Socially?
(17.01.2024) Researchers at the University of Siegen are exploring how political measures for greater sustainability should be framed to achieve greater social acceptance.
New Rector Takes Office
(15.12.2023) On 15 December 2023, Prof. Stefanie Reese succeeded Prof. Holger Burckhart and assumed the office of rector of the University of Siegen.
Direct Line from Siegen to the Argentinian Pampas
(13.12.2023) Physicists from the University of Siegen can now control and monitor the detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina — without leaving Siegen. The Observatory is the world's largest experiment for the measurement of cosmic rays.