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Dinner Time Participants Wanted
In the winter semester, the cooking competition "Dinner Time" goes to the next round. Students and refugees can cook together. In the end a cookbook with the winning recipes is created.
The "STARTING" department of the University of Siegen is looking for participants for a cooking contest similar to the "Perfect Dinner". In the summer semester, the "Dinner Time" series of events was launched successfully. Now the competition goes into the second round. The target group is, in particular, students from the University of Siegen and refugees who attend the university as a guest while taking German courses. Groups of four or five participants will be created, who will cook for each other during the semester. The groups are ideally mixed according to cultural diversity. Every two weeks on Thursday another participant hosts the dinner in her or his apartment. Availability to participate is limited.
Registration is possible from now until the end of October: integra@zv.uni-siegen.de
Each candidate is to offer the main course and dessert for four persons. Nobody has to worry about the expenses, they are covered for up to 40 euros, upon submission of invoices.
The aim is to create a perfect dinner as the perfect host, to create a cozy and friendly atmosphere, to meet new people and new cultures. After each meal the host will be evaluated by each of the other candidates. The score from zero to ten per reviewer depends not only on the food prepared but also on the drinks served, the table decoration, and the host quality. For the "Dinner Time" maximum score of 40 points can be reached (four times ten points).
Winner is the participant with the most points at the end. He or she receives a gift for his cooking efforts. Additionally, at the end of the semester, a cookbook with all of the group’s best recipes is created.