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First Students from Rotterdam
As part of the project "Rethinking Medicine", five students complete part of their Practical Year (PY) at Siegen Clinics.
The next step in the model project "Rethinking Medicine" is accomplished. Since the end of July 2018, the first five students of the Erasmus Medical Center (EMC) of the University of Rotterdam have completed part of their practical year (PY) at several Siegen Clinics. During a total of ten weeks, the students will go through the fields of obstetrics / gynecology and pediatrics. "During their studies, the students mastered their tools, now they are taking the next step, advancing into the clinics - here in Siegen. For us that's great news and something special, "said Prof. Dr. med. Veit Braun, Vice Dean of the School of Life Sciences (LWF) of the University of Siegen.
The medical directors and chief physicians of the Diakonie Klinikum Jung-Stilling, the DRK Children's Hospital Siegen, the Kreisklinikum Siegen and the St. Marien Hospital Siegen welcomed the prospective physicians as part of a joint appointment. "This appointment causes happiness. The idea was born three years ago and now the first students are here. A great development, that helps the region to advance. It is an enrichment for all of us ", said Prof. Dr. Joachim Labenz, Medical Director of Diakonie Klinikum. "We are proud of the fact that an internationally recognized medical school such as this one, of the University of Rotterdam, entrusts its students to us in Siegen," said Prof. Dr. Frank Willeke (St. Marien Hospital). "I'm looking forward to the intercultural exchange," said Dr. Heiko Ullrich, Deputy. Medical Director of the Kreisklinikum.
Two students are initially involved in obstetrics and gynecology at the Diakonie Klinikum and one student in the corresponding department of St. Marien Hospital. Two other students are working in the pediatric ward of the DRK Children's Hospital in Siegen. The students have the opportunity to get to know new approaches in medicine and nursing, and to gain experience. "I am very happy to see here in Siegen the broad field of pediatrics," said Tamara Su Cheng Tan. And Lizzy Verena Maxine Munnik, who started her PY at the Diakonie Klinikum, said: "In Siegen I can improve my personal development and, by means of the stay abroad, also advance my medical skills. " Ali Naimi, who also started in Paediatrics at Wellersberg is “grateful to have been accepted so quickly into the team. The young team makes you feel good, and one can learn so much."
The chief physicians are also certain that everyone involved benefits from this project in many ways. "Of course, we also have the hope that some of the students will remember the great time in Siegen even after graduation and then come to our team as trained doctors," hopes. Gebhard Buchal, Chief Physician in the Children's Hospital.
For the employment of the first PY-ers there was a close coordination with regard to the practical training with the University of Rotterdam. "Of course, there are certain differences between the Netherlands and Germany, concerning the curriculum. We were able to meet all requirements with our colleagues in the Siegen clinics, which worked out wonderfully, "said Prof. Dr. med. Veit Brown.
As part of the model project, the study program "Human Medicine Bonn-Siegen" will start at the University of Bonn in the winter semester 2018/2019. 25 students start their studies here and complete the first six semesters in Bonn. From the 7th semester, they continue their studies in Siegen.
At the same time, the Life Science School of the University of Siegen is preparing so-called "nanodegrees", advanced medical training, for students of the University of Bonn and the University of Rotterdam. The first nanodegree on "Legal Medicine / Medical Law" will start in December 2018.
Topic: lung function; chief physician Gebhard Buchal with Tamara Su Cheng Tan and Ali Naimi at the Children's Hospital.