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Quit Smoking with Virtual Reality
Scientists at the University of Siegen are developing a virtual reality application to help smokers overcome their addictions.
More than a quarter of the
population in Germany smokes. Tobacco is more popular and more
widespread than any other drug. At the same time, it is
regarded one of the most dangerous drugs in Germany: it is
estimated that every year more than 5 million smokers die as a
result of their nicotine addiction. Researchers at the
University of Siegen's Research College (FoKoS) are now
breaking new ground to help those affected overcome their
addiction. In the ANTARES research project, they are developing
a virtual reality application that smokers can use to learn to
resist the urge to smoke.
Using virtual reality glasses, the participants immerse
themselves in a virtual, artificial world during therapy. They
are shown various objects there, some of which are related to
smoking, such as a lighter, an ashtray or even a cigarette -
and others that have nothing to do with smoking, such as a
flower or a toothbrush. With a joystick, the smokers now have
to move the nicotine-related objects away from them in a
similar manner like in a computer game, optically reducing
their size, while pulling the other objects towards them and
thus increasing their size.
Research therapy effects through virtual reality
"From previous studies, we already know that such computer
training - also known as 'approach avoidance training' - can
have a minor effect on smoking," says psychology professor Dr.
Tim Klucken from the project team. As part of ANTARES, he and
his colleagues now want to find out if the impact of virtual
reality training can be increased. "With the help of Virtual
Reality glasses you dive completely into another world. The
emotional level is therefore much more addressed than sitting
in front of the classic desktop computer. However, many
potentials for strengthening therapy effects through virtual
reality have not yet been sufficiently researched, "says FoKoS
Director Prof. Dr. med. Dr. Björn Niehaves, who is also
involved in the project with his research team.
Unlike many conventional nicotine therapies, the new form of
therapy aims not only at the so-called reflexive system in
humans, but at the impulsive, emotional system. So it's not
just about becoming aware of rational arguments about why it
would be better to quit smoking. In addition, the participants
should also learn to better control the impulse to smoke. "With
addictions, the impulsive system is much more important than
the reflexive one," explains psychology professor Klucken.
"People suddenly reach for their cigarette in a very impulsive
manner, for example because they have been struggling or
Training is also possible via smartphone app
From the point of view of the scientists from Siegen, a
combination of "conventional" therapeutic procedures and
virtual reality therapy would be ideal. "Taken by itself, our
application is certainly not a miracle weapon. But in
combination with well-known smoking programs, it could help
smokers to better treat their addiction, "hopes Klucken. In
addition to the virtual reality application, he and his
colleagues are also developing a smartphone app based on
approach-avoidance training. If necessary, users can apply the
therapy at any time in everyday life and at different
Currently, the scientists are in the process of programming
different variants of virtual reality training. This part of
the project is handled by the Department of Medical Informatics
and Microsysteme Design headed by Prof. Dr. Rainer Brück. In
the next step, Prof. Niehaves and his team will examine which
version is best accepted by the users. This version will then
be used to conduct and evaluate the training with smokers. The
Kreisklinikum Siegen is also involved in this practical test
phase. Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Carl Friedrich Gethmann accompanies
the entire project from an ethical point of view.
The project ANTARES ("Broad-Impact Substance-Dependence Therapy
in the Digital Society Using Virtual Reality-Based Systems") is
an interdisciplinary research project at the Research College
(FoKoS) of the University of Siegen. It runs until January 2021
and is funded by the Ministry of Culture and Science of North
Rhine-Westphalia with over 400,000 euros.
Currently, smokers who want to participate in the practical
part of the study (Virtual Reality Training) are still being
sought. Participation is open to men and women between the ages
of 18 and 65 who have been smoking for at least six months and
are consuming at least six cigarettes a day. You can contact us
by e-mail at rauchfrei@uni-siegen.de. Contact person is Alla
Machulska from the Department of Clinical Psychology of the
University of Siegen.