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Action Day for Togetherness
The University of Siegen participates in the nationwide German Diversity Day on May 28th. The focus is on anti-discrimination.
On the 7th German Diversity Day, the University of Siegen is making a strong commitment to tolerance and respectful coexistence in our society. As a signatory to the Charter of Diversity, the University of Siegen is showing color on nationwide "Diversity Day" on 28 May. Under the motto #WirSindAnti, there will be a diversity market in front of the Haardter-Berg-Schule (in bad weather inside the Haardter-Berg-School) between 11 AM and 3 PM on the main theme of "anti-discrimination". Invited are all university members and interested citizens. Student initiatives, the General Student Committee (AStA) and other university institutions take part in hands-on actions, photo campaigns, information and food stalls.
The extensive range of topics of the approximately 20 stands include, e.g.: At the stand of Arbeiterkind.de, the "Game of Life" is played. The "Servicebüro Inklusive Uni Siegen" and the psychological counseling direct the focus on discrimination against students with mental illnesses. The offices of equal opportunity and family service inform on the wage gap, inter alia. Also participating are the "Kommunale Integrationszentrum" (municipal integration center) of the district of Siegen-Wittgenstein and the Mediathek against Racism and Discrimination of the "Verein für Soziale Arbeit und Kultur Südwestphalen". Visitors can use their questionnaire to anonymously report their own experiences of discrimination at the university and express their wishes about how the university should deal with it.
Under the slogan "Die Uni is(s)t bunt” (the university eats colorfully) three favorite dishes of Mensa employees with an international background are being offered in the dining hall on Diversity Day. The dishes are sold in the Mensa Adolf-Reichwein-Straße between 11 AM to 2 PM
From 7 PM, "Panoptikum - the student cinema" in the blue lecture hall presents the Oscar-winning crime comedy BlacKkKlansman (US 2018). Shown is the film with German subtitles.
Since 2013, numerous companies and institutions have been participating in the German Diversity Day. This year over 2,000 actions are expected. Everyone can participate - from universities and non-profit organizations to large companies.
For further information, click here
Katharina Miketta
Referentin der Prorektorin für Bildungswege und Diversity
Tel.: +49 271 7402294
Mail: miketta@erz-wiss.uni-siegen.de