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Current bus timetables and route changes
Since September 30th 2019, there are a few changes concerning the bus routes and timetables of the university express-lines (UX). An overview.
The UX1 has changed its route, which now includes the Park and Ride at the hospital in Weidenau, the Paul-Bonatz-Campus (PB) as well as the Hölderlin-Campus (H) in both directions. Everyone going to university by car is asked to consider using the Park and Ride parking lot in Weidenau. Drivers can leave their car there and hop on the UX1 to get to the different campus sites. That way, we can improve the difficult parking situation at the Adolf-Reichwein-Campus (AR) and at the Unteres Schloss-Campus (US). From 11:50 a.m. onwards, there is a direct connection from the AR-campus to Siegen ZOB every two hours.
Lines UX2 and UX3 were combined and now connect Weidenau ZOB – Hölderlin – Paul Bonatz – Adolf Reichwein. This line makes travelling between the campuses at Haardter-Berg easier.
UX4 and UX6 connect Emmy Noether Campus (ENC) to US, AR and Hölderlin. Depature is every two hours at ’48 at ENC (UX4) and Robert-Schumann-Str. (UX6). Arrival is ’12 past. This will make it easier for students changing campus between Siegen and Weidenau. Attention: UX4 departs from the other side of the street now.
Line UX5 is now available in the afternoon and evening at the AR-campus (Robert-Schumann-Str.) going to Geisweid.
R16 is driving via Haardter Berg every two hours now.
Here you can find a graphical overview of the lines. For more information regarding the ticket and bus connections, visit the homepage of the AStA "Mobil mit Bus und Bahn".
Also, there are two new display panels of the VWS (transport company) near the Audimax to show the departing busses of both bus stops at AR campus.
Delays and cancellations
Every delay and cancellation can be reported in the bus tracker. This will help the AStA negotiating with the transport company.
Less busses, more taxi busses
Right now, the VWS is operating a so called "construction timetable". There are less regular busses and more taxi busses. Taxi busses are labelled with a “TB“ on the bus timetable. The phone number for taxi busses (01803504045) is available until 10 p.m. on the same day. You can also book a taxi bus under http://meintaxibus.de. For more information please visit: https://www.zws-online.de/fahrplaene-liniennetz/bus-auf-bestellung-taxibus/