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Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2a Gebäude AVZ (Gebäudeteil AR-NA) 57068 Siegen
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Together 11,000 kilometers through Europe
11,000 kilometers represent the distance that connects the seven campuses of the ATHENA European University, of which the University of Siegen is also a member. The members of the alliance want to bridge this distance together until Europe Day on May 9 - whether on foot, by bicycle, or by canoe.
The ATHENA European University invites you to a special kind of European experience starting April 9. Until Europe Day on May 9, students, employees of the participating universities, but also anyone who feels like doing some sports, are invited to cover 11,000 kilometers together. That is the distance between the seven universities in the alliance, of which the University of Siegen is also a member.
More information: https://athena-uni.eu/137416-2/