Quality Centre Siegen
The Quality Centre Siegen(QZS) is affiliated to the prorectorate for ressources and gorvernance and is managing by means of the conceptual tasks additionally also the operational and administrative expenditure of the quality management system (QMS).This comprises the procedures of the internal accreditation as well as the further development of central QM instruments (f. ex.yearly evaluation).
As quality management is no automatic mechanism und does not work without a certain effort, the QZS supports the faculties and the central unit specifically in all concern of the QM. The QZS develops concepts and strategies for quality assurance und development under the authority of the rectorate. For this purpose the QZS utilizes synergies and co-operations in the field of QM and establishes an idea portal for the exchange to consistent further development. The fundament generates the close co-operation with the Q-coordinators of the faculties, the center for teacher training and educational research (ZLB), the university administration and the university didactics as well as external experts.
Consultation and support of the rectorate, the faculties and institutions in terms of quality assurance and development
Organisation and administrative performance of external and internal quality reviews (for example audit, evaluations)
Design of structures and processes of QM
Control of the needs for action and assurance of the functionality of the QM system
Support of the procedures for internal accreditation concerning the course of studies (verifying and developing procedure)
Appointment of experts
Support of the processes in the field of studying and teaching (senate commission studying and teaching)
Support of the steering Committee QM (LA QM)
Preparation of the QM reports of the Universität Siegen
Management of complaints and ideas
Further development of the QM-System at the University of Siegen:
Formulation of a QM report
Expansion of the QM system according to an integrated approach for the performance ranges Research, Teaching, Service, Governance "Project European Quality Audit"
"QZS is networking/ connecting"
The QZS is representing the Universität Siegen in national and international networks.
- "Network Quality Audit"(associate member since 2016)
- Quality coordinators of the faculties und the ZLB
- COQ - Organisation team (university administration)
- University didactics
- Department 2
- Department3