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Persönliche Referentin für den Bereich Internationales

Eva Grottschreiber

Contact by email
AR-NA 512

Quality Management in the International Division

The area of International Affairs is subject to the Prorectorate for Students and Junior Faculty, Diversity and International Affairs and is based on the internationalization strategy of the University of Siegen. On a central level, the area is anchored on the one hand in the department International Office (IO) unit (Head: K. Sommer), and on the other hand in the department STARTING of the Student Services unit (Head: Ph. Schmidt). The department STARTING is responsible for the application, admission and enrollment of international students as well as for preparatory German courses. The International Office advises on international projects (Erasmus+, DAAD) and is the point of contact for everything to do with cooperation agreements, the stay of international exchange and degree seeking students, and mobility of all status groups. For researchers, the Welcome Center for International Researchers is also available here

The distribution of tasks between the International Office and the faculties (as well as some other units particularly relevant in this context) is set out in a service catalog, which is continuously updated.

In order to develop and secure the quality goals for International Affairs deposited in the various areas, the Prorectorate holds regular meetings with university and regional units. Results or open questions from the discussions are forwarded to the responsible senate committee. Problems that cannot be solved in the system outlined go to the QM Steering Committee as a last resort.

If you have praise, questions, suggestions or criticism in the area of International Affairs, please contact the International Affairs Officer, Eva Grottschreiber, directly.

Structure of quality development and quality assurance



Agreement on cooperation between the University of Siegen and the University City of Siegen

Instruments of quality development and quality assurance (working groups)


Strategic level


Host Guests Turnus
Prorectorate Heads of the International Office and STARTING
once per month
Prorectorate Prodeaneries three times per year (generally in January, May and September)
Prorectorate Senate Commission

three times per year (generally in January, May and September)


Operational level


Hosts Guests Turnus
Prorectorate International Office once per semester (generally in March and September)
Prorectorate Management of the International Office
Operational level of the deaneries
Center for Teacher Training and Educational Research (ZLB)
once per semester (generally in June and December)
Prorectorate Heads of the International Office
AStA Department of Social Services
once a year (generally in August)
Prorectorate Heads of the International Office and STARTING
Citizen service of the city of Siegen
If necessary, the Social Department of the AStA and the Studierendenwerk also take part in the meetings.
once a year (generally in January)
Prorectorate Prodeanates (etc.)
International Office
Student Services
If necessary, the Studierendenwerk and the management of the Language Center also take part in the meetings.
twice a year (generally in November/December and in April/May)
    Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche
    Persönliche Referentin für den Bereich Internationales

    Eva Grottschreiber

    Contact by email
    AR-NA 512