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Student involvement


The General Students' Committee (Allgemeiner Studierendenausschuss – AStA) represents the students both within the University and externally. You can find on the website.

Departmental student committees

Once a year, the students of the various departments elect their departmental student committee, FSR for short. The FSR represents the students both within the department and externally. They organize trips, games evenings and parties, as well as providing support if there are difficulties with professors or members of staff.
At an academic level, too, the FSR represents the students through its seats on the faculty council. Here decisions are made about the distribution of funds, new professorships and study and examination regulations.
A list of the departmental student committees can be found here.

Autonomous departments

The idea behind the autonomous departments is to create a platform for students, particularly minority groups, where their interests can be met independently of the student parliament.

Student initiatives

At the University of Siegen, there are many different opportunities to follow your own interests. The student initiatives are open to all students.

Student faith groups

The student faith groups are not limited to specific denominations; they also invite students from other faith backgrounds to discover and live out faith. 
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