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ATHENA - European University

ATHENA European University is a European university alliance that aims to provide inclusive, innovative and high-quality education. ATHENA stands for Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance; the name encompasses core elements that shape our alliance: innovative technologies, higher education, and international exchange. ATHENA is made up by nine European universities that are jointly developing attractive, flexible and practice-oriented research and teaching programmes. Supported by regional industry partners, new ideas and research results are actively disseminated to society. We are committed to ensuring that university is not only a place for students, teachers, and researchers, but also benefits society as a whole!

This website provides an overview of ATHENA's news, events and offers. Further information can also be found on the website of ATHENA European University. For a brief introduction to ATHENA, please see also our digital flyer.

As one of currently 41 European university alliances, ATHENA is funded by the Erasmus+ initiative "European Universities Initiative" of the European Commission. The DAAD national accompanying programme "European University Networks (EUN) - national initiative" strengthens German universities participating in these alliances by providing specialist advice, networking opportunities, and financial support

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