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It's your education! It's your Europe!

ATHENA Europe Day 2024As Europeans across the continent celebrate Europe Day, ATHENA European University is delighted to invite you to the virtual event "It's Your Education! It's Your Europe!" to promote youth engagement in the upcoming European Parliament elections and foster informed citizenship within the university community. The event aims to empower students to actively participate in shaping the future of Europe by exercising their right to vote in the upcoming European Parliament elections.

Featuring a dynamic panel discussion with policymakers, educators, and student representatives, the event will explore key topics such as the impact of EU policies on higher education, strategies for promoting voter engagement among university stakeholders, and avenues for collaboration between academia and policymakers to advocate for inclusive and accessible education within the European Union.

The keynote speaker for the event is Antonio López-Istúriz White, a member of the European Parliament since 1997. Presently, he serves as the Chairman of the Delegation for Relations with Israel and is a member of the Committee of Foreign Affairs, also serving as a substitute on the Subcommittee on Security and Defence.

Event details:

The panellists:

  • Evangelia Georgitsi, Communication Officer at the Representation of Greece, European Commission
  • Nikolas Moraitakis, Senior Advisor/Manager for EU Programmes, region of Crete
  • Guillaume Frison, Directorate General for Communication, Youth Outreach Unit, European Parliament
  • Umberto Masi, President of the Lithuanian Youth Council
  • Efthalia Chatzigianni, Vice-Rector of Internationalisation at the University of Peloponnese (EUNICE Alliance)
  • Asimenia Soukouli, Vice President of ESN Greece


Registration is mandatory, as there are limited spaces available. The event link will be sent to registered participants prior to the event.

We look forward to your active participation in the event!

The event is jointly organised by the the European University alliances ATHENA and EUNICE.

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